Chapter 41 - Lionel's Death

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Several years ago....

Over the last few weeks Lionel Luthor has been a bit on edge about things. This all began when one evening, at Luthor manor, he overheard Lillian and Lex talking. At the time he suspected that his wife and son must have thought he was drunk, as he usually is at the time of night, but he was only tipsy. But what Lionel heard on that day scared him to his very core.

"I should be the CEO of Luthor Corp, not father!" Lex said, angrily.

"I know you should darling." Lillian replied, "You would take Luthor Corp to such heights that your father is simply incapable of."

"Then we need to do something about it! I can't just wait for father to die. By then he will have ruined Luthor Corp, and damaged our family name!" Lex said, still angry.

"Yes, you are right." Lillian nodded, "I'll take care of it."

"Take care of what?" Lex asked, confused.

"I'll make sure that you become CEO, and get your inheritance from your father sooner than expected." Lillian explained.

"You mean...." Lex asked.

"Yes." Lillian nodded again, "It's time for your father to go."

There was then a silence between Lex and Lillian, and Lionel had hoped that Lex would respond by saying Lillian was crazy to suggest such a thing, but what he then heard next broke him completely.

"Okay." Lex said, "But I want to help."

"Of course." Lillian basically purred.

After overhearing that, Lionel was absolutely shaken. Lionel knew without a doubt that Lillian and Lex were going to try and kill him. However, at the same time, Lionel knew that he really didn't have anything actionable. He could go to the police and tell them what he heard, but he knew they would just dismiss him, as he would have to tell them he'd been drinking at the time, and therefore couldn't be counted on as a reliable witness. So, Lionel knew that if Lex and Lillian were going to kill him to try and get his money and Luthor Corp, he would have to make sure they don't, even in his death.

Over the next few days Lionel was very careful with things, spending most of his time 'sleeping at Luthor Corp', when in reality what he was really doing was just not going home, as he knew that would be the most convenient place for Lillian and Lex to murder him. However, in this time, Lionel was planning, and rewriting his will. Specifically, Lionel was rewriting his will to leave absolutely everything to Lena. Lionel knew that he hadn't been the best father to Lena, or even a decent one, but he also knew that one of the only good things that he had done with his life, was to bring Lena into his home. Lionel rarely interacted with his daughter, because alcohol would always more so take his fancy, but despite everything, she was always a light within their household, even in spite of Lillian's attitude towards her. So, Lionel knew that if anyone deserved his fortune and company, it was Lena.

A few days later, Lionel presented his changed will to his most trusted lawyer, in a secret meeting, to make sure that Lillian and Lex were not made aware of the change.

"You want to cut out your wife and son from your will?" The lawyer asked, after reading over the document.

"Yes, that is correct." Lionel nodded.

"Are you sure about this?" The lawyer asked.

"Yes, I am." Lionel replied.

"May I ask why?" The lawyer asked.

"No, you may not." Lionel replied, "Now, can you please make sure my will is updated as soon as possible."

"Of course." The lawyer nodded.

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