Chapter 82

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Sanuk: Games.

Chapter 82

Pranee found herself staring at the tree as it grappled with the four high wizards. They had somehow managed to lure the last three into the tree. Pranee didn't know whether the tree was having fun or not but it didn't seem to feel any remorse about strangling the men.

The main thing on her mind was that the tree had decided to save her.

She watched the roots slither back into the ground but she could still feel the touch of them against her skin. It was rough as she had expected but there was an odd gentleness on how the tree did it.

There was a whisper that mingled with the wind blowing through the tree's leaves. It almost sounded like it was saying it was hungry.

Pranee's eyes snapped to the banana tree and she struggled to remember... something. It felt like she made a promise she still had to fulfill but had forgotten the exact details.

The longer she stared at the tree, the more she noticed about it aside from the screaming high wizards. The bark looked strange. Contorted. It was almost as if there was a face imprinted on it.

No. The tree had a face. Not just any face either.

It was her mother's face.

She let out a choked gasp and the tree dropped the corpses onto the ground.

"Pranee, this isn't the time to stare at the possessed tree," Tanet said. "We still have to get to the wedding."

"It's mae." She choked on air. "Mom became a spirit."

"I don't know how nice the consort was," Anuman said. "But she should leave while she's still calmed."

Pranee slowly shook her head. "We need to pay respects."

"We can pay respects later!" Kiet yelled. "We need to leave. Now."


Ubol sat on her heels with her knees tucked under her as she sat next to Ritthirong on the stage. The round piece of rope sat on her head and it was connected to Ritthirong's with another strand. The audience couldn't see it, but there was another piece of rope tying her down to the stage by her feet. The audience probably was too dazzled by the grandeur of the ceremony to notice that she was not enjoying herself.

The man conducting the ceremony loomed over the couple and made the crowd applaud for the completion of this section for the wedding. She didn't know who this man was but he had claimed he was a friend of both the king and Ubol as if to make the ceremony more appropriate to onlookers. He was probably hired as a servant by the king.

"It was like the gods have blessed this couple the day they had met," the servant said. "She had come to give ritual blessings to the palace and the king was fascinated by her skill."

Her hands reached down to untie her binds but her hands were stopped by the king. He gave her a sickly-sweet smile and tightened his grip around her. She mirrored his false happiness but all she could think of was how she needed to escape. She prayed that the prince and princess would arrive any minute.

"You're not married yet! You shouldn't be touching each other like that!" The servant called out in a joking tone that sent ripples of laughter throughout the crowd.

"I can't help it!" Ritthirong replied, playing up the act. "It won't matter soon because we'll be married after today."

That caused another round and laughter and Ubol tried her hardest not to grimace.

They had already gone through the majority of the ceremony and Ubol felt nervous. They had already done sanuk, the exchanging of rings, and all there was left was for the water blessings and giving gifts to the elders of the community.

"Everyone, please line up over here and give your blessings to the bride and groom!" The servant called out. "You will be pouring holy water from this conch with your party or family to speed up the process."

The crowd did as they said and Ubol and Ritthirong got into position. Their bodies leaned forward with forearms pressed on the table and cupped hands hanging off the edge so that the water would fall into ornate pots stuffed with flowers in front of them.

The first person that came to bless her made her heart drop into her stomach. She hadn't seen that face in years.

"Ubol?" Her mother crooned. "I never thought I would see the day you'll get married."

Her mother picked up the porcelain conch shell gently and the gold detailing reflected the light only to blind Ubol with each glint.

Her voice dried up and tears welled up in her eyes. "Mae... I didn't think you came."

Her mother poured the holy water onto Ritthirong's hands and he bowed his head in thanks. His eyes were still sharp and supervising the interaction as if Ubol will pull something.

"You were probably too busy looking at your husband to notice your own mother. Not that I can blame you," she chuckled.

Ubol wanted to remind her mother of her preferences but bit her tongue. "Thank you for coming."

Her mother hummed and poured the water into her hands but Ubol could only see red. The liquid didn't look like water at all and Ubol flinched. She blinked a few times and she looked down at her hands only to see it was wet with water.

Her mother's smile widened. "I put extra water for a long and happy marriage."

Just as her mother was about to leave the couple, there was a loud boom. She recognized the shaggy unkempt clothing of the group and Ubol felt a sliver of relief flow through her.

It took them long enough, Ubol thought.

"Guards!" Ritthirong snarled. "Deal with the intruders."

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