Chapter Fourteen: Someone You've Never Met

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A few days least, I think it was a few days, its hard to tell in the TARDIS...we all sat in the console room. Mickey stood beside the console, listening to Rose and The Doctor reminisce over past adventures. I sat in the jump seat, combing through pictures on my camera from my days with Sarah Jane, smiling as the pair of them laughed and giggle from their seat on the floor.

I raised the camera to my eye, snapping a sneaky photo of the pair.

"And that weird munchkin lady! You remember the way she looked at you?" The Doctor cackled. "And then she opens her mouth and fire comes out!'

"I thought I was gonna get frazzled!" Rose giggled.

"Yeah, one minute she's standing there, the next minute-"

They both made a roaring sound, mimicking the fire before exploding into a fit of laughter while Mickey and I watched on from the sides.

"Where was that, then? What happened?" Mickey questioned.

"Oh, it was on this um...planet thing. Asteroid-its a long story, you had to be there." The Doctor answered.

"Way to make us newbies feel included there Doc." I said dryly, coming to stand beside Mickey.

"Um, what are you doing that for?" I furrowed my eyebrows, leaning around Mickey to see that he was holding down a button on the console.

"Because you told me to." Mickey pointed out.

"When was that?"

"About half an hour ago." 

"Um..." The Doctor trailed off. "You can let go now."

"Oh good lord, Doctor." I said, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Well, how long's it been since I could've stopped?" Mickey asked.

"Ten minutes...twenty...twenty-nine."

"You just forgot me!"

"No, no, no, I was just-I was-I was calibrating, I know exactly what I'm doing."

"You were not!" I exclaimed, causing Rose to laugh. Her laughter was interrupted however by the Console exploding a cloud of smoke and sparks as the entire TARDIS began to shake. "What have you gone and done now?!"

"The time Vortex, its gone!" He said.


"That's impossible, its just gone!" He said. "BRACE YOURSLEVES! WE'RE GONNA CRASH!" 

Once again, the images of my recurring dream entered my mind.

'We're crashing! The engines are failing, there's nothing we can do!"

 Before I could ponder on this any further, the TARDIS hit the ground with a shake, sending the four of us flying to the ground as the console erupted in a sea of smoke. The lights faded from the room and a collection of gasmasks fell from the ceiling like oxygen masks on an airplane. 

"You alright?" I asked, leaning up on my elbow so that I could see Mickey. He nodded.

"Everyone alright?" The Doctor repeated. "Rose? Mary? Mickey?"

"We're fine, we're ok, sorry, yeah." Mickey called from our side of the console.

"Only slightly concussed." I said dryly, rubbing the back of my head where it had collided with the floor grate before gathering myself to my feet, looking up at the darkened TARDIS console. I pushed a swinging gas mask out of the way so I could see properly.

"She's dead." The Doctor stated in disbelief. "The TARDIS is dead."

"You can fix it." Rose told him, following closely as he walked around the console with a dazed expression.

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