84. Enough

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Thanks to Eric, Scouts were able to contact Oldin Berg without being noticed by anyone. He delivered to him a letter from Erwin that stated everything Oldin needed to know about their current situation. It was a bold move on Erwin's part as he knew that Oldin was a type of man that looked for a strong ally. Exposing their own disadvantages was risky, it could scare their ally off, but luckily Oldin wasn't easily scared. He couldn't be if he was willing to fight for Eldian rights in Marley openly. Constant searches of his house by the Marleyan police weren't frightening to him anymore as he was an activist for years now, meaning he knew all of the government's cards that they would use against someone non-Eldian. He was safe.

But in order to keep it like that while still helping the Scouts, he had to find a secluded place to meet them. Greeting them in his own house was out of option as his flat was watched by the police very often. No, he had to do it elsewhere. That's why they met far from the Liberio district, away from Oldin's house that was placed nearby Eldian zone. He had his followers living at the other end of the city, thus they used one of their houses as a place of meeting.

When Oldin set the time and place of the meeting, they started wondering how on earth would they be there on time. They couldn't move freely around the city as they were chased by the whole government and their forces. "If we want to get there, we better start moving now," Mike grunted the day before.

"Right, we can only move on certain streets and only at night," Jean added. "Shit, we still might not get there," he shook his head, thinking what that would mean for their alliance.

"Don't worry about that," Eric said. He was still there, tapping his leg nervously with his hand as he kept on looking outside the window, observing the street. He wanted to make sure that Nathalie would get there without any trouble. She should be there by any minute as they were about to meet. He wanted to spend one last peaceful day with her, before he would go visit his family, something he genuinely hated to do and kept on stalling as much as he could. "I know a driver that can get you there with no questions asked," he said so casually, it baffled them.

"Did you fall on your head in those other realms or what? All the forces are looking for us and you want a third person to get involved? Are you taking a piss at us?" Levi asked, his brow arched in question.

"Well in other timelines I met this man and let me tell you, he has a bunch of embarrassing secrets that he wouldn't want to get out," he chuckled. "I've been working with him for years and not even once he let me down. He knows what can happen with those secrets of his if he wouldn't listen to me"

"Are you...blackmailing that person?" Hange asked kind of with disbelief, kind of with admiration.

"I'd rather say that I let him build a positive image of himself in my eyes in order to make me forget about what I saw. It's not my fault I have a good memory," he shrugged. He tried his best not to avert their eyes as he noticed that look of dissapointment, terror and shock on their faces. He was used to receiving that as he didn't strike as a blackmail type of person. He wasn't proud of doing that either. In fact, he would gladly stop. Alas, he was stumbling on thin ice in his relationship with family, thus he needed a cover up for some of his most controversial actions - the ones that would raise an alarm in the Marleyan government, appearing as threatening to their power. Power that he utterly despised after experiencing its darkest side thanks to being born in the Leitz-Tybur family. Besides, it's not like he would give away these man's secrets anyway. Heck, this man should have learned by now, right? No , he knew it was just an excuse, moreover not good enough. That one thing he was doing to this man, using his secrets against him, was proving that no matter how hard he tried to deny his family's heritage the darkness that came with it was still inside him, no matter how suppressed, no matter how small. It was undoubtedly there and he had to be careful playing with it.

Silent Love, Silent Pain [Levi x OC]Where stories live. Discover now