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"All right let's gather round sorry I'm late guys I was with principal figgins bad news guys puckermans in juvie" mr Schue tells us.

"It really was just a matter of time" Tina says "what did he do?" Quinn asks "he" me and mr Schue says as I notion for him to say it "he drove his moms Volvo through the front of a convenience store and drove off with the atm" he says to us as everyone starts laughing "how did you know?" Rachel says "oh he invited me I was just busy" I say looking at Quinn and she smacks my arm and everyone noticed.

"Finally" Lexi says "A-a-and when is he getting out?" Rachel asks "unknown" mr Schue says brit said something but I couldn't hear her "guys let's have some sympathy and Alex I'm happy you weren't there glad you were doing whatever" he says to me.

"Doing what doing who same difference right" I say and then Quinn smacked the back of my head the only reason I'm doing this is because she told me to keep it a secret and we'll I don't want to it was the first time we have fucked since before she got pregnant so I'm the happy person on the planet right now.

"You deserved that" Quinn says as she pats my shoulder I just smile "how can we have sympathy for him he put his needs before the team we need his voice and his bad boy stage presence" Finn says "oh great thanks Finn" I say to him "sorry but two is better than one" Rachel says as I mock her.

I again don't pay attention and me and Rachel look at each other with hate as we start mocking each other I don't like her she stole my boy Finn was the wing man now he's with Rachel.

"Welcome our new members sam and Serena evans" mr Schue says as They walk in I see Quinn looking at sam and Serena immediately sits down next to Lexi "seriously" I say to quinn" "we're not together" she says as she leans down since she is sat above me.

Sam is saying words but I'm just picturing of ways I would torture him if it was legal.

Even after he sits down by Finn so he's going to take my best friend and my soon to be girlfriend game on.

"Don't kill my girlfriend's brother" Lexi says to me "don't worry if I do no one will know since I can't do anything on school ground or I'm expelled" I say to her dead serious and Serena looks at me with a scared look.

"He won't do anything" Lexi says "want to make a bet" i ask "Alex don't do anything stupid" Quinn says to me "yes ms queen" I say to her "that's why this week I want you to pick a partner and sing a duet and since you guys seemed to love our little defying gravity diva off I'm making this a competition" he says to us I look at Quinn "don't even ask me I'm not singing" she says to me.

"Fine" I say to her "and what does the winner get" Mike asks "dinner for two on me at breadstix!" She says to us as everyone cheers well now I gotta find someone to sing with.

I see Sam and Quinn looking at each other "Alex just go before you do something you will regret" Lexi says "fine I'm gone" I say "mr Schue I gotta go" I say as I get up "o.ok" he says to me and I leave.
I'm walking down the hall when I see karofsky with a slushie and gave one to someone else "don't just don't I'm having a bad and I'm down to fight all of you right now" I tell him "we know that's why you don't get slushied it's for Sam" he says "say no more I'll do it" I tell him as one of the guys goes and gets me a cup.

We walk over to him two guys throw it in his face I walk up face to face and slowly pore it over his head.

"Welcome to glee club lady lips" someone says as I just stand there eye to eye with him I turn and walk around him and Quinn sees it all and she walks over to me smacks me in the face as hard as she can I look at her hurt.

"I can't believe you" she says to me "rough now are we don't forget I like it" I say to her with a smile she turns and walks over to Sam I shake my head And I walk away.
Quinn won't look at me and she sitting next to Sam and Santana and Mercedes are performing there duet it's good don't care for the song much but the performance was cool.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu