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I walk into the choir room to see Tina without her goth look she's just in a plain blue hoodie "this is so weird" artie tells her "this so isn't you" Finn adds "I feel like a Asian branch Davidian" she says and i got no clue what that even means

"Tina are there any other looks you can try?" Mr Schue asks I suggest "punk it's close you can still wear the dark clothing and the black nail polish" I tell her but through all the suggestions I think everyone threw one out there like cowgirl to biker chick computer programmer oh and puck through out catholic school girl.

Now near the end Brit says the best one "a happy meal no onions or a chicken" she says nonchalantly I shake my head with a smirk "Brit your precious" I tell her she nods and smiles.

"Look I appreciate it guys but it just isn't me I know who I am and I'm not allowed to show it it's like communism" she says "guys we have a serious problem" Rachel says running in you know I've been doing the deep background on vocal adrenaline" she says standing at the front of the choir room "isn't that against the rules" arties asks "no not at all or probably whatever anyway what I figured out I rooted through the dumpsters behind the Carmel auditorium and I found 18 empty boxes of Christmas lights" she says all concerned I look at all the girls and Kurt they all have the same look and I'm so confused right now I don't get it is it supposed to be a big deal?.

"Oh no" Tina says "which led me to joelle fabrics I asked them about red chantilly lace and they were sold out" she says while making hand gestures and the looks from half the club get even worse "oh sweet Jesus" Mercedes says "we're screwed" Lexi says "oh my" Kurt adds "wait what?" Mr Schue asks and all the guys with the exception of Kurt all nod as if we had the same idea.

"They're doing gaga" Kurt tells us  "that's it it's over" Mercedes tells us "exactly" Rachel says "we should have guessed it they're going for full out theatricality they know it's the easiest way to beat us damn them" Kurt says going on a mini rant "what's up with this gaga dude anyway he just like dresses weird right? Like Bowie?" He asks "I mean there's one difference Bowie has a dick" Lexi says low enough mr Schue can't hear her but a few of us did we all smirk at her smart comment.

"Lady gaga is a woman she's only the biggest pop act to come along in decades she boundary pushing the theatrical performer of our generation and she changes her look more than Brit changes sexual partners" Kurt says clearly getting offended that puck called her a guy "that's true" Brit says "it makes sense that vocal adrenaline would pay homage its a brilliant move she's a perfect fit for them" Lexi says "hold on a second we might be able to kill two birds with one stone here we can help Tina find a new look and find a competitive number for regionals this week your assignment gaga" mr Schue says which has all the girls practically jumping out of there seat while I look at Finn with like a shoot me now look just once I ask we do a week dedicated to a band or even a pop star that can relate to all of us not just the girls we both groan and roll are eyes just saying right now I ain't dressing like a woman.

I get up and stop Finn before he leaves "how's it been moving in with Kurt and his dad" I ask him he sighs and stops "it sucks now you know me I got no problem with him being gay whatsoever but he just doesn't know that no means no like I don't know Alex if any straight guy acted the way he does around me they'd have a restraining order" he says while running his hands through his hair that's when Quinn and Lexi come back to look for me.

"Listen man he just came out he needs to find his footing just be patient" I tell him "but there's actually something I want to run by you now I can only speak for myself but I don't want to dress up like a woman so I was thinking what if you talk to mr Schue and see if he will let us guys dress up like kiss and do a song of there's?" I suggest his eyes light up "Dude it's perfect when you think theatricality you think of kiss ya I'll ask him" he tell me and I nod we do our handshake and we leave.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now