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The whole club is in the auditorium waiting for the Jane Addams glee club to preform.

"Okay, guys, so first of all I want to welcome Ms. Hitchens and the Jane Addams glee club. We're all very happy to have you guys here. So, um, we're going to let you guys start us off. Let's see what you got" mr Schue says as he leaves the stage to come sit with us and the Jane Addams glee club start singing bootylicious.

They finish and most of us clap not gonna lie that was hot and very distracting I was to busy watching them to really pay attention to the dance moves or there singing.

"Mr Schue you seemed concerned" Rachel says as she sits behind me Schue "what? No I mean they were great but we're just as good" he says almost trying to reassure himself other than to inspire us.

"Mr Schue if I may what they were doing was just all smoke and mirrors it's called Hairography" Rachel explains "what?" Mr Schue asks turning to look at her "Hairography all the whizzing of their hair around just to distract from the fact that they're not really good dancers. And there vocals so-so trust me we've got nothing to be afraid of" she says with confidence and gets up and walks away as the bell rings to leave and I must say that if Hairography is what there doing it must work at least it did on me.

We're in the choir room we were all just talking as mr Schue walked in "All right, guys. I did some thinking last night. I think I found our new number for Sectionals. We're going to do the title song fromHair now this show started a revolution" he tells us "wait did they have Mohawks back then? Like in the 20s or whatever?" Puck asks "yeah mr Schue if we're going to do a song about hair shouldn't we have more hair?" Finn asks "one step ahead of you here are your wigs" he says throwing a bag in Finns lap.

"Mr Schuester" Rachel asks as they go over to the piano and start whispering so I can't hear them so I pick through the bag of wigs.

"Looking great guys" mr Schue tells us as all us guys put wigs on.

I swear Quinn is up to something first convincing Kurt to give Rachel a "New Look" was weird and then letting Finn go somewhere without knowing where and what he was doing is not like Quinn at all I don't know if it's the baby hormones or whatever but there something going on and I can feel it.

"Dude do you notice anything about Rachel she looks different a good different but different" Finn says as I close my locker "nah man but hen again I ain't looking at her they way you do" I say and he looks at me shocked "what's that suppose to mean" "seriously dude do you think we are all blind you stare at her all the time and she flirts with you and you flirt back it's a matter of time before you two get together" I tell him as I'm sort of getting sick of this will they won't that crap I mean Quinn cheated on him first even tho he doesn't know that I don't see any problem of him exploring his relationship with Rachel.

I fucked my knee up at football practice so I'm not dancing today in glee so I just get to sit back and watch the horror show of Hairography number that there doing which I mean when girls do it it's distracting also the fact there hair is real may have something to do with it but the guys dancing around in fake wigs is more funny than it is distracting if you Know what I mean

I'm using my crutches to slowly make my way to the choir room as Quinn stopped me "hey what happened to you is it broken or something" she says looking at my leg "nah just a sprain but If I want to play Friday I got to keep my weight off it so what were you doing Friday because the Quinn I know wouldn't tell Kurt to give Rachel a makeover to make her look like at least a teenager instead of a toddler then let her and Finn practice in her house when it's clear they like each other" I stop and look into her eyes and I notice a change of expression on her face almost a accomplished look.

"Wait you wanted this that means you did something Friday and I know it wasn't with me so who was it with?" I ask as she shakes her head "I just babysat with puck testing out the whole being parents thing and it went great until Santana got all territorial over him and said they were sexting?" She says as she acts like she doesn't know what it means.

"Quinn puck would be a idiot if he was sexting another girl instead of paying much needed attention to you" I say as she smiles and nods "but if you really don't trust him look at his phone and you will get your answer" i tell her " I'll see you in the choir room I tell her as I head towards the choir room doors.

I'm sitting in a chair next to the piano player brad when mr Schue gets up to speak to the other glee club where facing at sectionals the one for the school for the deaf.

"Thank you all for coming. We are so honored to have you guys here. So, without further ado, I present the New Directions" he says as he step aside to let the club preform a mash up of the title track hair and Beyoncé's crazy in love.

I'm trying my best to hold In my laughter as I think mr Schue finally realized how bad of an idea this was like this tops as his worst idea so far all the other students are all smiling which I make me erupt in laughter knowing that I'm not the only one who thought that the performance was hilarious.

Rachel comes up to mr Schue "it didn't work at all did it?" She asks looking between mr Schue in me I shake my head for no but mr Schue still trying to be optimistic "No, it's just the rehearsal. It's still just a little rough, But we're onto something" he tell her "really mr Schue because what I just witnessed is not us" I tell him as now the haverbrook school for the deaf gets up to preform John Lennon's imagine halfway through we all join in as I get us with my crutches and stand by a girl as we all finish the song as the director for both clubs give us the show hands.
Quinn comes up to me as I put my letterman jacket in my locker "so it seems your the only man in my life that hasn't lied to me yet" she tells me as I nod "glad I take that title I tell her as I close my locker "so your knee is all better?" She asks "yup woke up this morning no pain I say as I stomp on my leg "good well I'm going to go Find Finn" she says as she leaves.

I'm in the choir room for the last lesson of the week as mr Schue comes in.

"We're starting from scratch grab a stool" he tells us "so we're a stool choir now?" Artie asks "nope we're not dancing with the stools no gimmicks. No false Theatricality we're jut going to sit in them and sing" he tells us as he passes out sheet music to true colours by Cyndi lauper "thank mr Schuester" Rachel says as we all nod.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now