Vitamin D

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The whole club is in the choir room learning choreography for sectionals

"5,6,7,8 Step, turn, out, in, ball-change, step ball-change step. You, you, you, you. And ba-ba-ba. turn..." he tells us while we learn the moves.

"Come on, guys, you're sleepwalking on me here. Give me some energy. We've got sectionals in two- mr Schue gets cut of by Mercedes "sectionals is going to be a breeze" Mercedes says confidently.

"Maybe so...... But if we coast through sectionals, we're gonna get killed at regionals. We have got to be on our game" he tell us trying to be inspirational.

While he's talking I must have been staring at Quinn because she met my gaze and then looked at Finn I got his gaze and he was staring at her stomach where she's beginning to show a little bit.

Kurt starts laughing loud and the room is dead silent "sorry funny YouTube it's the grape stomping one" he tells us as the bell rings and we all go our separate ways.

I'm sitting in math class now I start remembering why where so confident about winning.

I was dancing with Brit around the room when mr Schue walked in and caught all of our attention "Great news, guys. Just got the competition bracket for sectionals, and we are in really good shape. There's only two other teams. We beat them, we make it to regionals"he tells us

I'm standing behind Brit and Artie behind mr Schue "who are the other teams?" Rachel asks
"Drumroll please Finn" when Finn finishes he tells us the other groups "school for the deaf in Dayton and someplace called Jane Adams academy" we all nod not knowing the second school is.

"Wait.....Jane Adams? That's a halfway house for girls getting out of juvie" Mercedes tells us and the room erupted everyone getting exited "th-That's awesome" Tina says

"So deaf people who can't hear what there singing and criminals who don't care this is going to be a cakewalk" he says raise if his hand to Brit to high-five but she turns to Santana to high five then he turn to me and we high-five.

It's the next day and where in the choir room and mr Schue pins pictures of animals and people on the board.

"Commotion Every one of these people or elements was a champion in their own right. But they used competing with each other to make themselves even better" he tells us while point at us

"I don't understand how lighting is in competition with on above ground swimming pool?" Kurt asks mr Schue.

"Just go with it. You guys have become complacent. You were great at the invitational, but you got to up your game if you want to get through sectionals. Okay, split up. Guys on the left side, girls on the right side. Let's go, come on. All right" he tells the club as I go to joking the boys and Kurt try to go to the girls side.

"Kurt" mr Schue says and nods towards us and I guess he took the hint and walks back "here's the deal two teams boys vs girls one week the today's you will preform a mashup of your choice".

"What's a mashup" I ask "good question Alex a mash-up is when you take two songs and mash them together to make an even richer explosion of musical expression. Boys will perform on Tuesday, girls the next day. I want you guys to go all out, okay. Costumes, choreography. Whoever wins the competition gets to choose the number that we do for sectionals" he tells us

"Wait who's going to judge? Your gender makes you biased"Rachel asks mr Schue looks at her and nods "there a celebrity judge" he tells us "wh-who" Tina asks "ms pillsbury" I say while coughing mr Schue stares at me.

"Your going to have to show up to find out" he says while tossing around a baseball in his hand as the girls leave there say sing stuff but it's to low for me to pick it out.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now