The power of madonna

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We are all in glee club sat down in chairs when mr Schue walks in and writes Madonna on the board "what comes to mind when you see that name?" He asks while pointing at the board.



"Hall of fame milf" puck says and we high five and all the guys with the exception of Kurt chuckle at pucks statement.

So we're all aware of madonna's musical and cultural significance which is why this week your assignment is to come up with a Madonna number"mr Schue says while leaning on the piano and the club erupts mostly the girls.

"Uh mr Schue as a dude Madonna makes me kind of uncomfortable" puck admits and mr Schue and all the girls and Kurt look at him like he has two heads.

"Yeah, she's smokin' and everything, but can't some of us do something else? Like the guy version of Madonna? Like you know Pantera?" I ask and all the guys agree with me and nod.

"Guys! You know it's come to my attention that many of you haven't been treating the young ladies of our group very nicely lately You're disrespectful bullying sexist and I hate to say it misogynistic" he says "I have no idea what that means" Finn says

"When I pulled my hamstring I went to a misogynist" Britt says and I smile at her knowing that she lives in her own magical world.

"What it means is, put yourself in their shoes for a change. Culturally, Madonna's legacy transcends her music, because by and large, the subtext of her songs are about being strong, independent and-and confident, no matter what your sex. But more than anything, Madonna's musical message is about equality. And that is something I think you guys need to work on"he tells us and I roll my eyes like if the girls can have a Madonna week we're they sing all there favourite songs why can't we have a week of queen,the stones,Pink Floyd or Fleetwood mac.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when Kurt raises his hand "Mr. Shue, I don't think we can have an honest conversation about Ms. Ciccone without acknowledging that her images are as indelible as her songs I would like to honor her contributions by tackling a multi-media project With Mercedes." He tells us "great go for it Kurt" mr Schue tells him "I'm still not down. And no chick intimidates Puckzilla. I just don't think her music translates to show choir" puck says "that's a bold strategy cotton let's see if it pays of for em" I say making Finn laugh as I reference a movie we both love "really well I couldn't disagree more" rachel says as she gets up and the girls preform Madonnas express yourself.
I'm walking down the hallway when Finn rushes towards me "Alex I need to tell you something" he says as he pull me into a empty classroom

"Ok shoot" I tell him as he looks at me "ok Santana just asked me if I wanted to go out with her just me and her" he tells me as we sit down in chairs "okay what's the problem" I ask "she wants to have sex with me so sue will promote her to head cheerio" he tells me and now I know why he's freaking out.

"So your scared about losing ur V card" he nods "look if you want to do it with Santana I say go for it I've been there and it's worth it but if you want to wait for Rachel to stop dating that Jesse kid that is perfectly okay to it doesn't make you any less normal" I tell him and I can tell his brain is in a tug of war match right now.

"Ok thanks but I know you told me you lose yours at the end of last year but you never told me with who? So who was it" he asks me "if you must know I waited and lost it to someone I cared about so if you don't care about Santana then don't do it but if you do it's like magic that all is going to tell you" I say because he finally getting over the puck Quinn situation and I don't want to bring her up.

"Fine I just don't know she's hot and seems like a decent person just I think I love Rachel" he says as I nod "listen you just have to make a decision" I tell him as we leave and go to biology.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now