Special education

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I'm sat in the choir room next to Serena and Lexi I have my head back and eyes closed "tired?" Serena asks "that's an understatement" I say as mr Schue walks in.

"Mr Schuester I have an announcement" Rachel says standing up I naturally put my head back and don't pay attention brit and Mike are getting a dancing part which is really cool but as usual I'm probably just harmonizing in the back ground again.

"There gonna dance around me as I sing my solo" Rachel's asks "you're not getting a solo this time" he says "perfect so what song do I get to sing" Mercedes asks "no actually I was thinking that the winners of the duet competition but Sam this is your first competition and there is one person in here that has proven he has what it takes" he says I'm thinking puck maybe artie.

"Alex last night I re watched a video of you and Jessie singing bohemian rhapsody and every time it blows me away will you and Quinn sing the duet" he says as I look over to Quinn we both looked shocked sam dosent look thrilled.

"Barbie and her bad boy wait a.are you trying to throw this?" Rachel asks "you used to be just sort of unlikable, but now I pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth" Quinn says to her.

"Okay listen I have talked the talk about everyone in here being special for over a year now but frankly I haven't walked the walk I mean we have got a lot of talent here and I'm gonna highlight it" mr Schue says going to the white board.

"Look I'm all for pumping up the team making everyone feel special but that's for practice you don't take the star quarterback out before the big game" Finn says Rachel agrees with him

"Easy to say when your the star quarterback" Tina says to him "this isn't about me it's about the team" Finn says "oh ok" I say as they all turn "come on Alex you're not one to hold you're tounge" Finn says to me "alright I say sitting up "I'm the reigning regionals mvp I'm the only one is the room to win a regionals if you're the so called best how come you didn't beat me" I say as everyone oh and ah.

He looks at me and shakes his head "the only reason you won is because of Jessie" Rachel says to me "oh ya I got a big trophy that says MVP in my room that says otherwise" I tell her as I slouch again quinn looks at me and nods.

"And btw You are such a hypocrite" Santana says to Finn "like you even know what that means" Rachel says not even looking at her.

"It means you're boyfriend is full of crap hobbit" Santana says all of us who know are looking at each other like is she gonna say it.

"You know what ever since the wedding you've been up my butt" she says "kinky" I say to her she scowls at me "and I'm sick of it" she finishes Finn says something I can't hear but Santana I'm sat right behind him.

"Oh really cause that not what you thought last year in that motel room" Santana says Finn looks like he's gonna puke.

"That's right yentl you're sweetheart has been lying to you cause he and I totally got it on last year" she says to Rachel "okay enough already no more conversations about this or-or anything this is our plan for sectionals and that is that Mike Brittany come up let's start choreographing" he says as they stand up.

"And Quinn and Alex come down to the piano" he says we do she is sat on the stool as the other members are with Brit and Mike.

"Alright I've already picked out a song but youre feedback is welcome" he says as he reaches in his bag "the time of my life from dirty dancing good?" He says as I look at Quinn "you've watched the movie right?" I say to mr Schue he nods "one of my ex wife's favourites" he says to us I look at Quinn.

"Mine too" she says "can we do the lift" I ask him "ah can you two do that?"he asks "ya we can" Quinn says "you mind showing me" he says "no" I say "not a problem" Quinn tells him

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now