Dream on

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A/N: just got to say before I start this chapter I love Neil Patrick Harris and think he was the best guest star ever on glee! And think he should have been in more episodes.
Okay guys listen up this is Mr Ryan he's a member of the school board and he would like to say a few words I-I just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions" mr Schue finishes before he sits down "take out a piece of paper and on that paper I want you to write down your biggest dream a dream that means too much your afraid to admit it even to yourself" as he tell us we all take out paper I write down my dream.

That's when he grabs Arties paper and throws in into the bin "your dream is never going to happen 91% of you will spend you entire lives living in Allen county Ohio" he tells us "well this is depressing" Lexi says loud enough for a few of us to hear her we all nod "truer words never spoken" I say "so unless your dream was to work for a mid market health insurance provider or find an entry level job in an elderly care facility your going to be very disappointed" he tells us and I see everyone has the same face except mr Schue who looks like he's ready to kick him out the door.

"This is really depressing" Mercedes says to everyone "I'm going to guess that a lot of your dreams involve showbiz well let me tell you showbiz dreams are the most unrealistic dreams of them all" he says now I must say the vibe right now is toxic "well I mean have you see pucks I mean I swear I'll donate 10,000 dollars to a charity if he gets a threesome like look at his face" I say joking puck knows I am so because he smiles and nudges me nobody laughs only mr Ryan.

"I like you" he says to me pointing at me trying to contain himself and now he has his serious face back on "but.....that is what I want to do with my life" Tina tells him he looks at her sympathetically "oh look I'm not trying to hurt your feelings I'm just trying to disappear you of disappointment" he tells her.

"I think we get your point" mr Schue tells him "aw well look will Schuester here's is a prime example he used to have the glimmer of hope in his eyes that I can see right now in all of yours but he couldn't make it happen for himself so he now has to try and convince you all that it will happen for you guess what? His dream didn't work out and neither will yours" he says as Tina starts to cry.

"Okay I think your done here" mr Schue says "you would be wise to show me some respect" mr Ryan tell him "you've said you piece now get out" he says walking up to him now there both face to face.

"Will Shuester I should thank you you've made my decision about which program to cut a lot easier" he says as he walks out the bell rings and we all get up to leave.

"Aye aye get back here" Lexi says as I sit back down and Quinn follows me "I saw what you wrote is that true? You think you have no family?" She asks me clearly mad which wasn't my intention whatsoever.

"Lex no I mean like having a mom a dad I love you your basically my sister and aunt Rik is the best but you know it's different" I tell her she smiles and nods "I'm sorry I may have overreacted where you serious about the other one though?" She asks me and Quinn raises an eyebrow "what did you write" she asks.

"Don't say it lex" I tell her "he said he wants to be the best selling hip/hop artist" she tell her I shake my head "clearly you can't listen and FYI I was serious" I tell them "so you still write" Quinn asks I nod "you asked the same question last week" I tell her she smiles "I'm gonna ask every week until you show me" she says to me "fuck whatever that mr Ryan says follow your dreams" she tells me I nod we get up and leave.
"Hey" I get stopped in the hall by mr Ryan "Alex right well I just had to say I see a lot of myself in you your funny I appreciate a man who uses laughter to brighten spirts good luck" is all he says and at first i think it's a weird statement but I just nod "thank you mr Ryan" I say as he shakes my hand and we go our separate ways.
We're in glee club when mr Ryan walks in with a cardboard box "okay guys I've got good news I siphoned off funds from the Cheerios and I took a little shopping spree through the jazz hands catalogue you know why because the arts matter" he tells us I look at Lexi "does he have split personality's or something because I'm utterly confused" she tell me and I nod "dido" I tell her.

"And I got custom made new directions jean jackets and some rad tear away dancewear hello and every piece of sheet music from every broadway show of the last 50 years everything a show choir need to become champions" he tells us while taking the stuff out I mean Kurt practically jumped to get his hands on the jean jacket.

"Wow well that's amazing let's all give a hand to Mr Ryan" mr Schue tells us while clapping "thank you thank you" he says as I see sue walk-in "congratulations will I'm over the moon for you" she tell him "thanks sue I'm glad you have such a good attitude about your budget being cut" he tells her "no no I'm not talking about that I came over here to congratulate you about your new role local director Herb Duncan does the dry cleaning for the Cheerios and he lit slip that you just landed the lead in les miz! Congratulations" she says hugging his arm he smiles.

"Oh I'm ecstatic and the good news just keeps coming cause you got a part to Bry the exiting role of townsperson and you got a line too way back here in the second act you get to say hooray congratulations to both of you really I can't wait till opening night" she tell them and the more and more thsi conversation went on it's getting more and more sarcastic.

That's when mr Ryan tears the jacket out of kurts hands well don't think this will end well "Bryan wait" mr Schue says "congratulations will you're going to be great in the show" he tells him "can we talk about this?" Mr she's asks him.

"There's nothing to talk about I'm cutting the program" he says walking out all dramatic "well there goes two face" Lexi says as I smirk.
Me and Finn were throwing a football around when mr Schue comes in intercepting the pass Finn had thrown to me "all right guys listen up Tina has something she wants to share with us all but first I have an announcement to make" he says as we all sit down.

"You've all been reprieved Bryan Ryan isn't cutting glee" he says as we all clap "did he die?" Puck asks "no he didn't die uh he is going to be distracted for a couple of months making his star role in les miz he got the lead role" he says to us "but I thought you got the lead" Quinn asks him "I resigned it was the price for keeping the club" he tells us.

"Sorry you had to do that mr Schue" Finn tells him we all nod and agree "I'm not you know the way i see it I'm trading my one dream for the chance that all 15 of you might find yours I mean come on you can't argue with those numbers so let's star with tinas dream come on up Tina" he says as she gets up.

"I understand you've whipped up a little dance number for us a breakout we might use at regionals" he tells us "yes" she replied "you got a dance partner?" Mr Schue asks "yeah mike Chang" they dance as Artie sing dream a little dream of me.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now