Never been kissed

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I avoided the club through the whole rocky horror saga I was walking down the hallway when mr Schue comes over to me.

"Hey mr Schue" I say "hi Alex we've missed you and I know I told you to take your time but it's boys vs girls week and I need you to perform with the boys" he says to me "so come back" he says to me as I see puck walk into school he walks over to us.

We do our handshake "good to see you my friend" I say to him as He smiles and put his arm over my shoulder and nods "yesterday was my first day I couldn't find you" puck says to me "Alex is taking time off from glee" mr schue says I nod I look at him "mr Schue I'm in if you need me I'll be there" I tell him "puck we will talk later" I say to him "for sure" he says as I walk to class.
I walk back into glee club "boys you're doing songs traditionally done by girls and girls try some classic rock the who the stones the more opposite you're choice the more points you get" he says to them as he see everyone look at me walking in.

So he turns "Alex I hope this is the last time I have to say this" he says as I laugh at him "welcome back" he says I nod "happy to be here" I say as Lexi immediately walks down and hugs me as puck and Finn smile I do our handshake with both of them quinn looks at me I glance back I see the room is split so I sit next to artie.

Im trying not to let anything bother me me and aunt rik spent a few days hanging out she wants me to get my anger in check she knows I have a lot to be angry about but she wanted to help me so im trying.

Now we're in a class room im sat in the front next to Mike as Kurt is teaching us about I don't even know to be fair everyone is saying stuff to him he looks at me "Alex please chime in on how my ideas suck" he says to me "nah man just here to enjoy the ride" I say to him raising my eyebrows "alright fine" he says to us as he takes his boards and walks out Finn pats my shoulder so I turn around "what's up you're not you" he says to me.

"Alright what the fuck happend when I was in the slammer" puck says getting up "ask Sam" I say turning back around "dude I didn't know and you were never dating in the first place and also how is it my fault she had a choice she picked me" he says as I clench my fist.

"I don't want to hear from Sam I want to hear from you" puck says getting up and walking over as he sits next to finn "me and Quinn had sex for the first time since you got her pregnant" I say to puck "and?" He says "wait she slept with you?" Sam asks I give him and enthusiastic nod "it was amazing she told me not to tell anyone sam comes she picks sam I punch locker instead of sam and I poured my heart out in front of everyone twice well one was intentional the other they saw me in the auditorium" I say to him he nods.

"Wow" he says looking between me and Sam "you should've seen it puck it was hands down the best performance I've ever seen" artie tells him as I get up "ya thanks but I'm going I just can't be here right now" I say to them i I do my handshake with puck "you know I'm on probation but if we blindfold him so he dosent know it's me I can kick his ass" puck says as I smile "thanks you idiot I say trying not to laugh I know he's joking just trying to make me feel better I've got some amazing friends.
Apparently the newest rumour all over school is that Sam cheated on Quinn with coach beiste and if he did he's an idiot bigger idiot than I ever thought but it turns out it was just so they didn't get too excited and bust in there pants when making out apparently it was there version of Finn's mailman.

It's sad really like I'm not getting any right now but there a bunch of Virgins and I take pity on them also coach found out which makes it 100 times more terrible.

Imagine how she feels she ain't that bad looking And it's what's on the inside that counts right.

The girls performing a mashup of living on a prayer and start me up I gave Lexi my leather jacket for the performance there doing amazing it was really cool.

They finish we all cheer as Becky comes in and hands mr Schue a paper and Lexi gives me back my jacket "good thing you were amazing the jacket ain't use to looking bad" I say to her as she hits me playfully I smile and we hug "good job lady's that was awesome" I say to them.
"We'll I genuinely hope you guys are happy because coach beiste has quit" he says "well done virgins you fucked up" I say to them as me and puck look at them well finn isn't but ya know Rachel is here.

"not the time" mr Schue says "wait what that's terrible" Finn says "that's not what we want" sam says "well what we're you hoping to get out of this?" I ask mockingly "Alex" mr Schue says "I'm done I promise I'm done" I say laughing my ass off.

"That's the opposite of what we want the football team is actually winning" artie says "well you better put your heads together and find a way to get her back fast because I'm actually ashamed of really upset someone you is an important addition to this school" he says as he raises his voice.

"Im sorry what exactly did we do?" Rachel asks "not you it's us the boys" finn says "and Tina" Mike adds "hey don't include me in your sick games Hudson" I say to him laughing as everyone looks at Tina then me.

"We sort of figured out that picturing beiste while making out was even better than a cold shower" he says to the group the girls looked shocked I burst out laughing again "I'm crying holy shit" I say as mr Schue looks at me.

"Can I just say this is what happens when people don't put out" Santana says "couldn't have said it better myself" I say as now me and puck are both laughing our asses off and I high five Santana then figgins comes in I stand up "it's not you sit down" he says to me "thank god" I say as I sit back down and wipe my eyes.

Mr Schue and puck went to his office and were all left in the choir room.

"That wasn't necessary" sam says as he gets up and is standing in front of me I look around to see everyone waiting to see what gonna happen Quinn looks scared while Finn and Mike get up expecting me to do something I stand up eye to eye with him sam steps back.

I pat his shoulders and clear my throat "necessary is it necessary for me to drink my own urine" I say he looks at me like wtf "no but it's sterile and I like the taste" I say giving my best patches impression those who got the reference started to laugh including Quinn.

"Why are you laughing" he asks "dodgeball Quinn's favourite movie" I say lightly smacking his head "brush up on your pop culture" I say to him laughing and I leave.
Coach beiste came to see us perform "I don't get it it's boys vs the girls but what's the winner get" she asks "we were hoping you're forgiveness" Finn says "ya we just want to apologize for hurting your feelings" sam says to her "coach beiste We think you're awesome even though your all hart and tough on the outside it dosent mean you're not the opposite on the inside" Finn says I look at him.

"Like a chocolate turtle" sam says "yah your nougaty and we totally get that now" Finn says to her "Finn shut up" I say to him "why don't you guys just get to the song" mr Schue says.

"Totally this song is dedicated to you coach all hard and badass on one hand and soft and girly on the other" artie says to her "we hope it makes you smile because when you smile you're pretty and it lightens up the room seriously" puck says to her I nod and smile at her.

(Alex sings Artie's parts)

We finish the song and I put my arm around coach she smiles and pats my chest "go on you" she says "it was all for you coach I wasn't apart of all the foolishness but it dosen't matter you still deserve to know your awesome" I tell her she smiles and nods "thank you and I liked it" she tells us "get over here" artie says as all the guys and coach group hug.

In this together (Glee fanfic) male OCWhere stories live. Discover now