33 Cravings

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Sanzu: You.

Y/n: "WTF DID HE SAY?!" Funny. I'm not a food, idiot.

Sanzu: Yeah, but I crave for you...

You're both looking at each other, and Sanzu is approaching to kiss you. You turned your gaze away from him when his face was in your line of sight.

Y/n: Can we eat first? Like the real food? I don't have enough energy if I'm hungry, you know. 

Sanzu: Yeah. You're right. Where do you want to eat?

Y/n: I'm craving for some Mcdonald's. Let's just order from drive-through then eat it here in the car.

Sanzu: Mcdonald's? What's that?


Sanzu: We only eat at fine-dining restaurants. We're not into fast food or anything like that.

Y/n: "Yeah. They're probably spending their money on a fancy dancy restaurants." I see. You should give it a shot at least once! It's both affordable and tasty!

Sanzu: Affordable? You mean cheap, right?

Y/n: "T-THIS FUCKER! HOW CAN HE INSULT MY FAVORITE FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT IN SUCH A WAY?!!" So what's the problem with that? I mean, for a small sum of money, you can get a dinner, beverages, and desserts.

Sanzu was still contemplating whether or not to eat at McDonald's, and you were just looking at him, waiting for his response.

Y/n: If you don't want to dine at McDonald's, you can drop me off there and you'll dine at a nice restaurant and when you're coming to fetch me, do contact me ahead of time.

Sanzu: No. I'll tag along.

Y/n: Huh? You said that it is cheap and also, you exclusively eat at expensive restaurants. Nah. Simply drop me off there and you wil-

Sanzu: I can't let you roam around freely here. You're being pursued by unknown individuals, and you want to dine alone?

Y/n: Y-yeah.. you're right. But, is it okay for you?

Sanzu: Yeah. No problem. Just make make sure I'll receive what I'm craving afterwards.

Y/n: *gulp* Hehehe, but first let us eat okay? Hehe.

As soon as Sanzu decided to accompany you, he drove to the nearest McDonald's in the city. You went through the drive-thru and purchased three McDonald's meals as well as a Mcflurry, which is one of your favorite desserts. Sanzu parked the car in the parking lot after receiving the orders, and both of you began to eat.

Sanzu: Are you sure you'll eat the 2 meals? Plus a dessert?

Y/n: Yeah. This meal was actually not enough for me but I'm not in the mood for a large meal.

Sanzu: That's a fucking heavy meal tho.

Y/n: Shut up! Just eat and you will go back at the Mcdonald's again. Trust me!

You started your first meal with spaghetti, chicken, and fries. It also has a huge coke float. Sanzu was examining the food to see if it was clean or if it contained any physical contaminants.

Y/n: What the fuck are you doing? If you don't want it, I can eat it.!

Sanzu: I'm just not used to eat this way.!

Y/n: You'll get use to it! Better eat it when it's ho-- ouch ouch! That hurts!! Ahhh!!!

Sanzu was watching at you while you're eating your meal. He eventually now had courage to bite into the chicken. He grabs piece of the wing and takes a little bite first. He had been surprised when he tasted it and also beginto eat some pasta. He wasn't expecting because it was so inexpensive, but he was pleasantly delighted.

Sanzu continued to eat, and you paused for a while to look at him as he enjoyed his first McDonald's meal. You smiled at him and returned to your remaining meals.


Y/n: How was it? It is good right?

Sanzu: Yeah. That was delicious! I've never felt this satisfied when we/I ate at a high-priced restaurant. It was usual for me, but this? I'm speechless.

Y/n: II told you it's delicious and inexpensive. You don't have to spend a lot of money to satisfy your appetite. McDonald's is enough. Right??! *smiles*

Sanzu: Yeah. I can't get over with it.

Y/n: *giggles* My father used to always buy me a McDonald's meals when I was a kid. When he has free time, he takes little sis and me to McDonald's and lets us play on a playground while we wait for the food. That is why McDonald's will always hold a special place in my heart....

Sanzu: I see. That is why you were reactive earlier, huh?

Y/n: Because it's my favorite fast-food chain! Hmp!

Sanzu: It's also my new favorite.

Y/n: Hahaha! *stretches* So, let's go? So we can rest now.

Sanzu: Who told you we'd be going to sleep tonight? My craving is still unsatisfied.

Y/n: *whispers* Oh shit...


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