36 Surprise

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Y/n: Is it needed for me to accompany you? I could go to the hospital since that is the safest place to be while you are not around. You don't have to be concerned about me because the couples are there.

Sanzu: Hmm.. you're right. All right. I'll leave you in the hospital and wait for me. I only need to sign and receive several necessary documents from various firms. Mikey just told me this so I need to accomplish this asap.

Y/n: Understood.

Sanzu will complete all necessary work in Paris, 3 days before your flight to Japan. Since Bonten is a wealthy and well-known gang, their business has a large number of shareholders and investors.

He drove you to the hospital, where Amara and her husband may be staying for a while because Amara is still not completely recovered. For the time being, this would be the safest area for you to stay when Sanzu is not around.

Sanzu reminded the husband to watch for you, and he promptly left. You and Amara spend the entire day talking and laughing. You're both telling stories about her spouse and Sanzu.

Amara: I knew it! You have a soft spot for him too!

Y/n: Huh?! No! I mean... He can be nice sometimes, but at same time, he's a fucking jerk.

Amara: Hahahaha! That's exactly what Sanzu is. But here's the thing: I think he likes you. He's like such a husband in the way he looks after you, y/n.

Y/n: Nah. He's doing that because other Bonten members have threatened to murder him if something bad has happened to me. As if he's going to like me. No way, and I'm not interested in him either.

Amara: Who knows?? But I have the hunch that he has feelings for you. Aish! Forget about it! I'm just.. you know, I lowkey ship you and Sanzu *giggles*

Y/n: That's exactly what I heard the very first moment we talked. Hahaha! And I will not accept him even if he falls in love with me.

Amara: But why??

Y/n: It is a golden rule in prostitution that romantic feelings between the client and the worker should be avoided at all costs. We're just here to be their sex toy, to offer them satisfaction and to fulfill all of their sexual desires.

Amara: However, some prostitutes have relationships with their clients and have even become a part of their family.

Y/n: Those prostitutes may be mistresses. It is typical in my line of work since some prostitutes seek money and power from their clients. As a result, they will do anything and everything, even if it means being a mistress. Some clients will go out of their way just for them.

Amara: I believe that all of the Bonten members are unmarried and do not have families at the moment.

Y/n: I can obtain more money and power if I want to, but I'm not ready to commit yet. I'm not ready to be a wife, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find a partner in the future and I don't believe I deserve have someone in my life. For the time being, I just want to enjoy my life, and my top priority is my sister. Being single is fun you know!

Amara: Hahahaha! You're right. I hope you will find the person who will accept every inch of you in the future. I'm sure there is one for you, y/n.

Y/n: Yeah. We'll see that but first, let's eat dinner. I'm hungry!!

Amara: Hahahaha! Let's go!


The night at the mansion house...

Y/n: How is your job going? Did you complete it all already?

Sanzu: Yeah. I'm finished with my work here. We'll be able to return to Japan in 2 days.

You were silent for a few seconds after Sanzu had spoken. You had a sudden sense of melancholy and sepanx since you were about to depart your dream destination.

Sanzu: Oi, y/n. Y/n!

Y/n: Huh?! What is it?

Sanzu: You're spacing out. What's the problem?

Y/n: Uh-- nothing. I just.. you know.. I'm going to miss this place. My heart has been delighted since we came here. I have some memories here, so I'm a little sad that we'll be returning to Japan soon...

Sanzu: Yeah. This place was beautiful, and my job here was light compared to my job in Japan.

Y/n: Yeah.. I hope I could return to see the famous sites here. I make a promise to myself that I would go there someday!

You set the goal of revisiting Paris to see the city's well-known landmarks. Sanzu pulls some tickets from his pocket and drops it in front of you while you organize your bags and clothing. Those are the tickets to the world's most renowned tower in Paris, the Eiffel Tower.

Sanzu: We'll spend our remaining days visiting the locations you'd like to see. I'm quite sure the Eiffel Tower is one of those, so I got tickets for us to go in. That ticket is valid a day before our departure, so you will have an unforgettable experience of stepping on that iconic tower prior our flight.

You can't express your emotions right now since your dream of visiting the Eiffel Tower was already set. You double-check the tickets to make sure they are for the Eiffel Tower, and they are!

Y/n: A-are you sure... about this.. Sanzu???

Sanzu: Yeah. I can take it back if you wa--

Sanzu didn't continue his statement because you approached him and hugged him tightly and tears are streaming down on your face. He didn't move, and he had no idea what to do.

Y/n: Thannk youuu so muchh... You really made my dream come true..*crying*

Sanzu was taken aback by what you said, and he began to chuckle and pat your head.

Sanzu: It's fine. Now it's time to relax because we have a full day excursion scheduled around Paris for tomorrow.

Y/n: Okay... T-thank youu!!! *crying*

Sanzu: All right. All right. Get some rest and quit sobbing now. You look like a fucking child!

Y/n: Shut uuup!!


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