𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬

97 13 79

Double update!!!!

The number of times I actually yeeted myself off my chair while writing this-It's Stray Kids and I don't know what else I was supposed to do.Vote and comment, please!

Enjoy the chapter😉

Enjoy the chapter😉

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The Kingdom of Stray Kids had always been the talk of the town. Whether it was for having such young leaders or if it was for something they did. Everything in the Kingdom was grand and regal.

So, no one was really surprised when they saw the Royal Palace glimmering with lights and decorations. The royal ball was starting in a few hours and it was only fair that the palace is decorated fit for the occasion.

"ARE YOU BOYS DONE YET!!" Sana yelled entering the sitting room, just back from sorting the nobles! That was a lot of chaos in one room! A collective 'No comes from the dressing rooms, making her flop down on the couch, Which idiot said that girls took more time compared to boys when getting dressed for an occasion?

"I'm almost done Noona, just need to fix my-" "Just get out of there quick!!" Sana cut right off Hyunjin's monologue.

Everyone knew it would end up with Hyunjin flexing his undeniably handsome features, so they secretly thanked Sana for interrupting. The Tagarhyun Prince was handsome alright, but now was not the time to brag.

"Are they out yet?" Momo entered the room, her black heels clicking on the tiles. "Nope!" Sana shook her head, scrolling through her phone. "Oh well, we get to rest!" Momo dropped herself on the sofa next to Sana.  If only she knew......

"Okay, I am done." Bang Chan stepped into the room, making all heads turn to him. Momo and Sana's jaws fell open!! Why did not this guy wear white that often?

He was dressed in an all-white suit with a makeshift tie on his neck. The tiny gaps between the tie and the suit gave off small flashes of his structured collarbones. The lapels and the cuffs of the suit jacket were decorated with ice-blue sparkles, pulling the entire look together. Sparkly diamond studs on his ears and the luscious head of blonde hair styled in a fashionably messy half-pushed-back style. He looked every bit the like Prince he was, ready to blow the minds of the onlookers.

"Hello??! Earth to Noonas!" Bang Chan waved his hands in front of Sana and Momo's stunned faces. "Do I look that bad?" He asked, gesturing to his outfit.

"You look...." Momo fell silent, too stunned to form a coherent sentence. "Amazing..." Sana breathed out, too stunned at how mature and handsome her little brother looked. Bang Chan blushed, shyly smiling. 

"What's up with you two?" Lee Know peeked over Chan's shoulder, earning another silent gasp from the girls.

Lee Know has always been handsome but this ivory suit jacket was making him seem like he was crafted out of marble. The ivory suit jacket glimmered when the light fell on it, making Lee Know to look more majestic than he already is. A knot tied out of a white chiffon ribbon served as his tie, while silver earrings dangled off his ear piercings. His dark brown hair was styled into looking glossy and shiny while it fell on his forehead and a little over his eyes. The Lee Know who was mostly busy devising plans and coming up with cunning strategies now looked like the was one of the most innocent angels of Heaven.

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