Chapter 7.5

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William's POV:

I unlocked the front door of my house and stepped in, taking off my jacket then hanging it up on the coat rack. I changed my clothes with a black shirt and grey sweatpants.

My head was starting to spin and I could feel my heartbeat. I walked down to the kitchen and leaned down, grabbing the end of the table with both of my hands, squeezing till my knuckles turned white.

It's been a little over a month before my last.

I miss the feeling.

When they coward in fear, knowing what was going to happen next.

When they would beg for their life.

When the life left their eyes and their face go blank expression.

I had many given opportunity but I haven't taken it. And it's all because of one reason.


She wants something, I do too, but it may not be the same. I never was nervous around people before until the night of the party. When I almost lost it. But once I saw her again, I regained my senses. When I'm without her, I have this urge. I need it.

I inhaled and exhaled, grabbing a bottle of liquor from my counter and pouring the liquid in a shot glass, downing it as it burned my throat.

I took one more shot and closed the bottle.

That should be enough.

It wasn't.

I reopened the bottle and put away the shot glass, drinking straight from the bottle.

I didn't know how much time has passed until I looked at the now almost gone bottle. I adverted my eyes to the clock which read 11:13. I put my head in my hands, sitting at the table with dim lights.

Without knowing it, I dialed Y/N's phone number into the telephone and put my ear up to it, waiting for her to answer.

About five rings had gone by and I was going to put the phone down until I heard someone on the other line.

"Hello?" The familiar voice said.

I sat there for a while, not answering.

"Uh," the woman's voice wavered, "who is this?"

I realized what I was doing and sighed, holding the phone up to my ear and resting my forehead on my hand.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called." I apologized and was going to hang up until I heard my name.

"Will?" She asked.


"What are you doing right now?" She asked sternly.

"I- uh, nothing." I assured her. "I must've dialed the wrong phone... sorry." I stumbled over my words and slapped my forehead in embarrassment.

"It doesn't sound like 'nothing'." She said.

I sighed over the phone, waiting for her to scold me and say 'we have work tomorrow,' 'are you drunk?' But she didn't say that.

"I'm coming over. Unlock your door." She said.

Before I could object, she hung up.

I rolled my eyes and picked up the bottle, opening it once again and took another sip, it almost gone. I stood up and unlocked the front door then sat back down, not wanting her to come here for nothing.

The time now read 12:03. I heard the door open and some foot steps walking towards where I was. She peeked her head around the corner as we made eye contact.

A Criminal's Gaze | William x Reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now