Chapter 9

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The next few weeks have been awkward between you and William. You yelled at yourself everyday for what you did and your selfishness got the best of you.

William didn't seem to mind, but you've been trying to avoid him before he could say anything about that night. Although it was hard because he did take you to work everyday and you worked with him. Literally.

But, everyday you avoided him, he seemed to fall farther and farther off track.

He seemed more tired than usual, Henry told you William seemed to be angry at him for no reason, and you noticed he has been sitting in his office more than usual.

It was a Thursday afternoon, around 3:00 when Henry came up to you.

"Y/N, please talk to Will. I am worried about him and he won't talk to me. If it's ok, I can schedule a job that requires both of your assistance so it would make it easier." He said.

You sighed and nodded, not wanting for this to get any further than it already has.

He gave you thank you eyes.

"Go to the backstage in about ten minutes. I will try and get William there and say there's a light that needs fixed." He explained.

You nodded. Your hands became sweaty and was thinking about what you were going to say, but nothing came to thought.

I'm just going to have to do this by myself.

You walked to the backstage and waited for a few seconds before Henry and William came walking in.

You couldn't tell if William was relieved to see you or terrified.

Henry explained what needed done and walked away, leaving you and William in the room.

He rolled up his sleeves and brought the 'not working' light down, opening the back and examined it.

You sighed and spoke up.

"I'm sorry about a few weeks ago." You apologized.

He glanced at you then turned around, sitting at a small table and setting the light on it.

When he looked at you for that one second, it looked like he was dead. Like he felt betrayed.

He didn't say not one word. He focused on the light instead.

You walked up and sat next to him. You remembered everything from that night. It made you feel guilty.

"I'm sorry that I tried to kiss you, it wasn't right. I was overbearing and I shouldn't have. Please don't be mad." You said in shame.

He looked at you and glared.

"I'm not upset about that night. I'm upset that you ignored me for weeks and that you were so embarrassed to even talk to me. I could've done the same to you the night after I was drunk, but I didn't."

You tried to speak but no words came out.

"Do you know why I didn't? Because I care about you, Y/N. I'm scared of losing you. I couldn't kiss you when you were drunk because I was waiting for the right time." He said all in one breath.

You stared at him in shock. That was the opposite of what you thought he was going to say.

He turned to continue working on the light.

"I'm sorry, Will. I care about you, too. If I lost you I wouldn't know what to do right now. I thought I ruined it that night." You admitted, looked down at your hands.

He looked at you once again and lifted your head up with his index finger.

"You will never lose me, darling. Only if you choose to." He said softly.

A Criminal's Gaze | William x Reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now