Chapter 13

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He sat there, holding his head in his hands, squeezing tightly.

You stood up and put your hand on the back on his neck, looking around, seeing if anybody noticed.

"C'mon, stand up." You whispered.

He did as you led him to the family bathroom, locking the door behind you.

He went to the sink and put his hands on the edge, leaning over it, not once opening his eyes.

"Do you want me to call an ambulance?" You asked worryingly.

"No." He said sternly.

He growled in pain.

"What is it?" You asked, walking up to him.

"My head." He whispered in obvious pain.

You grabbed a towel and ran it under cold water, then rested it on the back of his neck.

He looked at you with confused and highly dilated pupils, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What is it?" You asked.

He stood up straight and walked towards you. Every step he took forward, you took one back, backing you into a wall.

He put one hand beside your head on the wall and leaned down with a smirk on his face.

You looked at him terrified.

He breathed heavily and looked at you through half-closed eyelids, his original colored eyes going to black from his dilated pupils.

"Will, what are you doing?" You asked with a shaky breath.

He looked away and laughed in a monotone way, sending shivers down your spine.

He fixated his eyes back on your and you saw a flash of insanity.

"Will, stop. You're scaring me." You whispered.

He must've heard you straight that time because he looked at you in the eyes and instantly backed away, falling to his knees.

He lowered his head and hunched his back, holding his head again in pain.

You stood there in shock for a while, but then slowly approached him.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He mumbled. "I don't know what's happening."

You went on your knees in front of him then grabbed his chin, making him look up at you.

You searched through his eyes.

They were glossy and just showed pain.

You trailed your eyes over his face, seeing a singular vein on his forehead.

"Please..." he whimpered. "It hurts."

You looked at him with sympathy, unsure of what to do.

Some bitch must've drugged the vodka. You thought with anger.

You sighed as you both sat there on the bathroom floor.

You cupped his jaw in your hand and began massaging his temples with the opposite.

He closed his eyes and parted his lips, exhaling slowly.

Looking for support, he placed his hand on your thigh and the other on your wrist that was cupping his jaw.

You moved your massaging hand from his temples and gently swiped over his closed eyes with your thumb.

He still breathed in and out heavily through his parted lips.

A Criminal's Gaze | William x Reader *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now