Part 3

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Marie Winter was the first one up in the unit, and the first thing she noticed was Kath's door was open as classical music floated through the air. When Marie stuck her head in to say good morning, she didn't find Kath readying herself for the day. The gate to their unit was locked, so Marie was stumped on the woman's whereabouts.

Marie checked and found Lou in Reb's cell, and Lou's cell was still empty. Kath wasn't known for making friends very quickly, so where could she be? Out of curiosity, Marie went to the last door in the unit and snuck a peak through the glass at the newest young inmate, and she was shocked by what she saw.

Kath and this newest arrival were curled around each other cozily. Marie couldn't understand how the two women were sleeping comfortably on the small bed, but Marie had found Kath, hadn't she? Marie had to admit she was a bit bewildered at the actions of the older woman. Kath had never shown any interest in another woman, so Marie had assumed that Kath was indifferent to sex. It wasn't judgmental, but as Kath had always kept to herself, Marie had come to that conclusion. She must have been wrong.

Marie had to admit it was kind of sweet. Kath seemed at peace with her nose buried in a headful of red curls. Marie did wonder how that had happened so fast. She hadn't met the newbie, and Marie's efforts to get close to Kath had been unfruitful. Marie smiled to herself before going to fix herself a morning cup of tea. She was going to have fun questioning Kath about this later.


When Stevie opened her eyes, the first thing she noticed was that she was warm and not alone. She smiled before she rolled over, hoping she wasn't dreaming. She bit her lip as she smiled to stop from giggling. Joan had stayed with her throughout the night. That had to mean Joan liked her, right? She blinked both eyes to make sure she was awake before admiring the older woman's facial features at rest. Joan was beautiful in a state of rest without the set jaw and guarded eyes.

Stevie thought about Joan's warning from the night before. She knew Joan felt they shouldn't be seen together, but Stevie wasn't concerned. Joan's words came from a place of protectiveness, but surely no one would harm her for simply befriending Joan. Everyone deserved a friend. Everyone deserved love, and Joan Ferguson wasn't any different. She was human, and since Joan was unwilling to make human connections, Stevie knew the older woman must have been through hell. That thought crushed Stevie's spirit as her heart ached in her chest. The reason Joan was trying so hard to distance herself from everyone had to be buried in her past. Stevie kissed Joan's cheek tenderly as she thought of how sad Joan had to be. Stevie had to try to help Joan heal.

At the simple contact, Joan came awake with a start. Stevie bit her lip to hide the grin at Joan's startled face, but it was impossible to hide the brightness in her grey-blue eyes. When Joan opened her own, she was gazing directly into those eyes, and for a moment, Joan was unsure how to react.

"Good morning," Stevie said sweetly, the pad of her thumb brushing lightly along Joan's jawline. Joan's lips immediately settled into a hard line to try to control her reaction to physical touch as Stevie's thumb slid down the slope of her neck. Joan was unsuccessful and shivered at the contact, unable to control herself so quickly. Joan reminded herself that this was why she slept alone. Sleeping and waking were personal, intimate times when Joan didn't have to worry about controlling her mask. She felt raw and exposed as Stevie saw Joan without her cleverly placed mask, and Joan felt uncomfortable with that knowledge. Children needed protection from monsters, and Joan knew better than anyone how Stevie would reject her after glimpsing the monster beneath the mask.

"Thank you for staying with me." Stevie continued while Joan chewed on what she should say.

"I didn't have much choice." Joan settled for gruff to push down everything she was feeling. It had been a defense that had worked for her in the past.

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