Part 11

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Joan woke up several times during the night, delirious and sweating. She tried to fight and push Stevie away the last time, but she found the young woman as sturdy as the willow. She collapsed back into exhaustion and when the first light kissed her face, she found herself thankful for once someone had told her no and had enough of a backbone to stand up to her. Joan's head was tucked under her chin, the young soft curves more luxurious to aching bones than the finest of featherbeds and Joan indulged herself for the moment. She didn't even remember Stevie showing up. She just remembered she had been there when she'd woken up sometime in the night. It was chilling how much attachment she felt from that act of loyalty alone. There was definite shame within Joan that she had seen her in such a state, but there was also gratitude. The rising and falling of the young woman's chest reminded Joan of the remembered comforts of childhood from before her mother's untimely demise. She had sought and found comfort in arms as soft and gentle as Stevie's from nightmares and cruel jokes and nicknames from other children who had railed at her size.

Stevie shifted and only then did Joan try to let her go only to be pulled back into that comforting embrace that Joan knew she shouldn't indulge any longer. She became truly torn when she gazed upon Stevie's visage and was able to study her in such a relaxed state. Joan noted the pixey-like nose and the way her lips curve into a soft smile even in rest. There were small freckles that powdered her nose that could only be seen from this close that Joan hadn't even noticed those before. The small sigh that escaped Stevie's throat was felt throughout Joan's adjoined body and that terrible basic need for another human came over Joan again. With her little night guardian still asleep, Joan felt her face drawing closer. Her eyes slid closed as she thought of how it had felt to be kissed so passionately the day before and her breathing quickened. It would be so easy to touch those lips again, a simple gesture of gratitude for a night filled with hardships. Joan's lips felt as dry at the prospect, and she was so close that her tongue brushed against Stevie's bottom lip ever so gently. She barely contained her moan as she remembered Stevie's tongue against her own. It was almost too good of an opportunity to let pass by and she was so thirsty. She let her lips ever so gently press against the lips that held the price of what would surely be her immortal doom.

Stevie had been awake since Joan had tried to move out of her arms, but she had wanted to wait and see what the older woman would do. She had been quite enraptured as she felt the touch of Joan's tongue against her lips, but she'd been too scared to move for fear the woman would move away. When Joan's lips touched hers, however, she couldn't stop herself from kissing her back slightly. Joan felt the reaction immediately, but she lingered. Their breath mixed again in delightful peril and Joan pulled back ever so slightly to study the look in Stevie's eyes. Both were afraid to speak so neither did as Joan reached and lightly traced the pad of her thumb along Stevie's right jawline before tracing back up to dip behind her ear. A shiver of delight ran through Stevie and Joan's lips narrowed the short distance between them again. The gentleness made Stevie ache inside and she was touched Joan's face gently before slipping behind to cup her head and hold her close. Joan kissed her as if she were afraid that she would break. Stevie didn't mind, but she'd never been kissed so delicately before in her entire life. It made her want to protect the woman even more from her enemies and endeared her to Joan in a way Stevie hadn't thought possible.

The moment was broken when the loud banging of the Unit gate came open, but it wasn't one that Stevie thought she'd ever forget on her darkest day. To be kissed by a Goddess was always a most glorious and sacred event.

"Good morning, beautiful." Stevie whispered, her nose touching Joan's before she completely pulled away. Stevie could have stayed in that moment forever, and in the forthcoming days she would wish a million times that she could have but the problem with time is it never stops or hastens for anyone. It flows exactly as it lists and their time was up.

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