Part 17

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Red curls as vibrant as a new morning sun bounced as all the air was sucked from Joan's lungs. Grey-blue eyes met deep brown from the other end of the hall as Stevie turned toward the familiar sound of Marie's voice. Joan's heart fluttered awkwardly in her chest when Stevie looked at her hesitantly. The sounds of everything faded from Joan's consciousness, aware only of the young woman in front of her. A timid smile touched young warm lips before Stevie started moving toward her and with every step resounding Joan's heart rang faster inside her chest. She didn't even notice Marie getting out of the way of the approaching landfall. A feeling rose in her chest that felt akin to pain, but it blossomed into a blush that painted her skin. Joan had never felt this before. Even her love Jianna paled in comparison. She vaguely thought she might be suffering a stroke as Stevie stepped up to her, a tear painting a trail down cheeks paler than normal. Joan knew the hug was coming but the impact couldn't be braced for as she'd never felt this before. She didn't know how to brace for such a thing and when gentle arms embraced and clung to her neck for dear life, she felt like she was in the middle of a hurricane. It was such a shock to her system that it took her a moment to respond, but she let herself finally accept the embrace and enfolded Stevie in her arms.

"I missed you." Stevie whispered, her curls tickling Joan's nose as she buried her nose near Stevie's ear.

"I..." Joan whispered, wanting to express the same but still fearful of the repercussions. Stevie seemed to know, and she squeezed her a little tighter then.

"Are you well?" Joan asked, noting that Stevie felt frailer than she had six days prior.

"Better now." Stevie whispered, not wanting to let her go.

Joan let her eyes slip closed and she felt Stevie's face shift from her neck. Stevie had meant to peck Joan's cheek but when Joan moved her own face toward her, their lips collided softly. It was a brief kiss, much too brief, but not unobserved from anyone with eyes. Only when their lips parted did the sounds around them rush back into Joan's consciousness. She blushed worse than before when she looked at Marie who was smiling knowingly. Joan became incredibly aware of what everyone had seen, but Stevie smiling gently at her helped a bit as she let her go for the moment.

"Its good to have you back in the land of the living, Stevie." Marie said, accepting the hug from Stevie easily.

"Dungeons are dreadful places for princesses. You look paler."

"I don't doubt it." Stevie said, a sting of emotion welling up in her voice of both happiness and bitterness combined. Stevie wiped at her eyes as she pulled back from Marie.

"It's horrible down there."

"What about Lou?" Reb asked, concerned about his lover.

He felt empty inside, and although Stevie had no love for Lou Kelly, she had compassion on Reb. She was about to answer when they were all interrupted by a voice from behind Joan.

"I'm right here, babe. Miss me?" Lou asked, and Reb immediately lit up.

Stevie and Joan's kiss paled in comparison to the display of physical affection between Lou and Reb, but Stevie wasn't jealous. Progress with Joan was progress. She was happy to be out, and she'd turned to look at Joan again when her eyes fell upon Eve Wilder. Her relief shattered into broken glass as her eyes met the woman who had visited her in the slot. Her breath caught as her face visibly transformed into disgust. Bile gathered in her throat immediately at the memory and she was sure she was going to be sick again.

Joan noticed the change immediately as did Marie. Lou and Reb hurried past the three, and Joan and Marie both turned to see what had caused the disruption in Stevie's mood. Joan's eyes landed on Eve before her eyes passed to Eve and back again. Eve Wilder smirked, an impish grin appearing before she met Joan's eyes. Marie noticed Joan's eyes narrow dangerously at the woman and she swore she saw recognition pass between them. There also seemed to be some sort of a challenge there and Marie was concerned she'd have to step between the two women before Stevie's whimper drew her attention.

"I'm gonna be..." Stevie grabbed her stomach, and Joan's eyes tore from Eve immediately, leaving the matter for the moment to help the young woman she'd grown so fond of.

"Its alright, sweetheart." Marie patted Stevie's back soothingly and Joan reached for the nearest trashcan, her long legs carrying her quickly enough to catch most of Stevie's stomach bile. Joan stood there, an awkward glance passing between her and Marie as she didn't know what to.

"Here, Kath. Stay here and comfort her. I'll go get her some water and a cloth for her mouth." Joan's eyes widened. She wasn't good at this sort of thing.

"Maybe I should-" Joan started to say, but Marie's disapproving look and Stevie's hand reaching for her shut her up.

"Right. Yes." Joan said, and Marie smiled as Joan took Stevie's hand hesitantly before she hurried off to get the items.

"Do you want to go to medical?" Joan asked and Stevie shook her head no before she started to vomit again. Stevie's body shook from the effort, her hand quivering in Joan's. Unsure if it would help but trying, Joan reached to pat her back slowly. Joan glanced back toward where Eve Wilder had been standing and she noticed the woman had disappeared from sight. It perplexed Joan as to Stevie's violent reaction to the woman. They couldn't know each other. She'd have to ask later.

"You really should go to medical." Joan urged but Stevie shook her head against it again.

"If its still the food bothering you, you really should go. They can give you something to settle your stomach." Joan said, again.

"This isn't something you have to suffer with, and you were sick before you went into the slot."

"Stop." Stevie snapped, her usually happy demeanor worn thin from stress.

"Please." She added, trying to soften the blow. She knew Joan was simply trying to help.

Joan slid a cool hand along Stevie's brow to check for a hint of a fever, and although slick with a sheen of body perspiration there didn't seem to be a fever. She looked around wondered why it was taking Marie so long.

"We need to talk." Stevie said, breathing deeply through her nose and trying to stop the violent spasms in her gut.

"When you're better." Joan said, quieting the younger woman as Marie finally hurried up.

"Here, sweetie, rinse your mouth out." Marie said and Joan went to move but Marie cocked an eye and shook her head no.

"Do you want to go to medical?" Marie asked, not knowing Joan had already asked. Stevie took her time rinsing her mouth before she spat into the can.

"No. I just want to go lay down." Stevie said again, but Joan wasn't sure.

"You can lay down in medical." Joan pointed out and Stevie shot her an eye.

"I just want to be near you. It's been hell down there." Stevie said softly, her voice scratchy and low. Her words crushed Joan, and there was a stillness that filled all three women. It concerned Marie as well as Joan.

"I'll go with you." Joan whispered, barely holding the sudden anger within her mask.

"They'll make you leave." Stevie said, voicing her concerns.

"No, they won't." Joan said, confidently.

"If Miss Bennett finds out she might." Stevie said, her eyes getting wide.

"You can have a visitor with you. It'll be fine, Stevie." Marie replied with a smile, and Stevie sighed as her mind started to clear.

"Okay then." Stevie relented, throwing the cup in the trash and letting Joan help her to medical.

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