Part 9

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True to her word, Joan did stop by the phones since they were open on her way back to the kitchens. She had spoken with her attorney briefly and had been able to convince the woman easily enough to look up Stevie's case. Her attorney had promised Joan she would set up a time to meet with Stevie and talk in person. Joan felt a sigh of relief before she headed back to the kitchens to relieve Stevie. Remembering she hadn't fed her goldfish that morning, she thought she'd stop by her unit to feed the fish. She had just turned to go down the hall to her cell when she saw Jake Stewart coming out of the unit. She narrowed her eyes slightly as the man walked toward her.

"Seen Winter recently, Ferguson?" He asked as he kept to his side of the hall.

Joan ignored him as always and he rolled his eyes.

"I mean have you seen Winter, Maxwell?"

"She should be in the laundry, Mr. Stewart." Joan replied as he kept walking. "Anything wrong?"

"You're full of questions today." Jake replied, and Joan stopped to watch him walk away before she proceeded to her cell.

She felt like something was off, and her eyes swept her cell suspiciously. She tested the air but found no trace of the scent of the man and nothing looked disturbed. Perhaps he was really looking for Marie? Joan fed the goldfish quickly and tucked the incident into the back of her mind for further examination later before she returned to the kitchens to resume her duties and face Stevie once again.

Joan saw Stevie's face immediately light up when she entered her line of vision. Miyake was also immediately happy to see the woman back under her charge, but she thankfully didn't ask any questions. Joan was grateful for that.

"You found the cleaning supplies, I see." Joan said dryly, watching Stevie mop the back floor where there had been an apparent spill.

"Labeled and in alphabetical order. Your handiwork, I presume?" Stevie asked, winking at Joan before her expression turned serious. "Are you alright?"

"Fine, my dear. Why wouldn't I be?" Joan asked, her expression neutral as if there were no reason to even ask the question at all.

"I just..."

Joan didn't want to talk about the incident with her. Did she still blame her for what had happened?

"You just...what?" Joan asked, her tone casual.

"Nothing." Stevie said as she shrugged her shoulders, and her face showed her immediate pain from the coldness in Joan's tone.

"Fine. Then when you're through cleaning that up you can help me fix the vegetables. I believe broccoli and cheese is on the menu." Joan said, her tone clipped as she tried to create more space between them.

She was separating herself verbally on purpose. Her session with Dr. Miller had been too raw, and she wasn't sure of taking his advice. Old patterns were hard to break, and if this one broke she might completely shatter. She didn't know if she could handle another loss.

"I...Well, I don't know if I can." Stevie said truthfully.

"Oh?" Joan asked her, looking at her inquisitively. "You are here to work, aren't you?"

"Yes, of course." Stevie replied as she leaned on the broom and pointed toward the floor. "I just don't know if I should. I was helping Miyake with the fish sticks, and I tossed my cookies. I just haven't gotten used to the food in here yet. I don't know how you eat this shit. The smell alone makes me want to hurl."

"It does take a while to acclimate. Fixing your own does help a bit after you get used to the smell." Joan replied, remembering her own struggle with the food quality. Her own system had taken weeks. It wasn't common knowledge, but she'd always had a sensitive stomach herself.

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