Part 4

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Even on mornings when Joan didn't have to be in the kitchens for breakfast duty, she always fixed her food. She felt a little unsure about leaving Stevie unaccompanied. As Stevie darted into the cafeteria, Joan pulled Marie to the side.

"Can you keep an eye on her?"

"Certainly, but where are you going?" Marie asked curiously as she folded her arms across her chest.

"I fix my own meals. I can't be too careful. You are aware of the disdain the other women have for me because of my...Joan Ferguson's reputation. In my absence, I would appreciate it if you would watch over Stevie. If anyone got the wrong idea about us, she could be in danger of some sick act of retribution."

Joan let her words sink into Marie's brain, and she could read the moment Marie decided to help her.

"I'll watch her, Kath. Sure." Marie said, understanding the implications. "We will keep her safe, and teach her the ropes. Why is she in here?"

"I haven't had time to ask her," Joan said truthfully, and Marie nodded before Joan turned and entered the cafeteria with Marie right on her heel.

Joan went into the kitchen and watched Stevie out of the corner of her eye. Marie skipped the two women in line behind Stevie and tapped the young woman on the shoulder. Joan relax in the knowledge that Stevie would be safe with Marie before she made her breakfast. She settled for oatmeal and toast. Miyake, one of the two women in the kitchen that didn't hate her greeted her with a smile.

"You have lunch and dinner duty." The woman reminded her.

"Yes, I remember, Miyake," Joan replied as she buttered her toast.

"There is a change in the schedule starting tomorrow. You have breakfast duty. That little skinny ass druggie is in the slot." Miyake informed Joan. "She tried to stab me with the butcher knife."

"Ericka?" Joan asked inquisitively. "Why would she want to stab you, Miyake?"

"I reported the ice she hid in the freezer. I like a clean kitchen. No drugs." Miyake said as she nodded toward Joan.

"You will require extra assistance?" Joan asked, specifically thinking of Stevie.

"Yes, but no druggie this time." Miyake said adamantly.

"I know one of the newbies. As far as I know, she doesn't deal or use drugs, and I don't believe she has been assigned to a workstation." Joan informed the woman.

"Is she a troublemaker?" Miyake asked.

Joan thought about that a moment. The only trouble Stevie was causing was her insistence on hugging and touching Joan. It irritated Joan, but that was a personal problem. Joan needed Stevie close so she could keep a closer eye on her. The young woman would get herself killed otherwise.

"No," Joan said simply.

"Name?" Miyake asked.

"Stephanie Simmons," Joan replied as she placed her toast on her tray.

"I'll request her. Thank you, Kath." Miyake said as nodded toward the cafeteria. "Now go eat. Get yourself a fresh cup of tea. I just made it myself."

"Thank you, Miyake," Joan replied, returning a smile before grabbing her tray.

She noticed Stevie sitting with Marie at the furthest table from the door back against the wall. Stevie smiled warmly at Joan and waved. Joan rolled her eyes as she turned and grabbed her tea. She had just picked up her cup when she felt a presence behind her.

"Hey, Joanie." Lou Kelly said as she slung her arm around Joan's neck.

"How sweet of you to fix me some tea. Ain't she, Reb?" Lou said, glancing at Reb with a grin. "You want some, love? Joanie here can make you a cup."

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