Part 26

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They had missed lunch so as soon as they were called for dinner, Joan made sure to get Stevie up and ready so she could eat.

"I'm not even that hungry." Stevie complained as Joan pulled her shirt over her head.

"You're eating something. You need it. The baby needs it." Joan said.
"I need it."

"Oh, you need it?" Stevie asked, irritation turning to flirtation but Joan grabbed her wandering hands.

"I didn't mean that." Joan said sternly, but there was a sparkle in her eyes when she said it.
"At least not right now."

"But I'm so horny for you, baby." Stevie whined, trying to convince Joan to just take her clothes off.

"If you eat, then we can come back here and do whatever you want." Joan coaxed and Stevie sighed before letting her hands drop to her sides.

"Fine, but I'm fucking you with my tongue long and slow later just for making me wait." Stevie threatened.
"And you're gonna have to beg me to use my hands."

"I never beg, my dear. Queens never beg." Joan said as she straightened herself to her full height and straighted her clothes, looking quite determined in that fact.

"But you'll beg me." Stevie said confidently before standing and being the first out the door.

"We'll see who begs who first, my dear."
Joan tapped her ass slightly, and Stevie turned around with a smile before latching onto Joan's arm and they started to walk out of their unit. She heard the footsteps but didn't have a chance to react before an arm came around her shoulders and she inwardly sighed.

"Look at you two love birds walking arm in arm. Ain't it sweet, Reb?" Lou Kelly asked with a smirk and Reb just grinned.
"The Freak and her little sheep. I'm gonna start calling you little lamb, Princess. Bahhhhh. Which makes you Mary, Joanie."

"Lou." Marie said, and Joan only realized the shorter blonde woman had come out of her own cell behind them.
"Be nice to Kath. She's nice to you."

"She is not a freak." Stevie said, and Joan could already feel the anger in the redhead beside her.

"Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go." Lou still teased, drawing everyone's eyes.
"Until Mary got tired of the little lamb and took her to the butcher shop for a nice little mutton chop."

Joan moved quick, placing herself in-between Stevie and Lou as Stevie made a grab for their current adversary. Joan couldn't stop her mouth, however.

"Stupid fucking bitch! If I wasn't pregnant, I swear to God I'd pummel your ass into the ground." Stevie yelled as Joan just looked as calm as the sea before a hurricane.

"Pregnant?" Lou actually did look surprised then as she stepped back and looked Joan up and down.
"Damn, Joanie, is that why they call you the freak? I'd pay money to see how that happened."

"I ought to still kick your ass!" Stevie yelled.
"Pregnant or not!"

Marie grabbed Stevie, and patted her to try to calm her down.

"Listen, Lou." Joan started, still outwardly as calm as anyone had ever seen her. Inside, however, Joan wanted to snap the woman's neck. She was trying to control those urges of hers though, so she tried to bargain with the other woman.
"Lay off the remarks, hmm? It isn't good for pregnant women to be so upset."

"Yeah, Lou. Lay off." Marie agreed, backing Joan up as Stevie shoved off her hold on her.

"You and I understand each other more than you might expect." Joan added as she glanced toward Reb.
"We both have unconventional relationships we want to protect. We could be great allies. You scratch my back. I scratch yours. Understand?" Joan's eyes narrowed as a slight smile appeared on her lips. She watched the curly blonde's eyes think about that for a moment.

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