Part 31

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Will Jackson finally let out the breath he'd been holding for an hour as he sat down the phone in the medical unit. This was a shit day, but at least there was a slight glimmer of hope. Joan had been on the verge of collapse and was now sitting on a cot. She had refused sedation, and to everyone's relief was somewhat calmer than earlier.

"Well?" Joan asked, acutely aware that he'd mentioned Stevie's name.

"She's alive. They are running tests now to see what caused the seizure and her heart to stop." Will explained, and Joan was quieted. Her face went completely blank as she seemed to fold inside of herself for a moment.

Her mind went to Vera. Why had she done this? Joan could understand the prisoners trying something like this, but Vera? If the woman's motivation was to protect her own child, why hadn't she just tried to kill Joan? It would have been a more effective move. Had this just turned into some sort of sick game for Vera? One that she had to win against Joan no matter the collateral damage? Joan understood the concept as she'd played such games herself, but Vera had always had that human compassion. Hell, she'd even saved Joan's life. Why attack Stevie and how? How had she done this? More importantly was who had she employed to help her? Joan would have to talk to Lou. Maybe she had seen something?

"Is she awake?" Joan asked, finally turning her face to look Will in the eye.

"No." Will grimaced.
"She kept getting upset when she woke up which caused her heart to keep stopping so they have her in a coma."

Joan nodded in acceptance of the information.

"I know the answer is probably going to be no, but would it be possible to arrange for me to visit her?" Joan asked, her eyes pleading with the man and Will sighed.


"Kath." Both Joan and Dr. Miller said at the same time, correcting the man immediately.

"I'm sorry. It's impossible." Will replied.

"You could put an ankle monitor on her and send double the guards, Governor. I could even accompany Kath to the hospital. I would be willing to take full responsibility for her." Dr. Miller said, but Will shook his head.

"I wish I could in this case. I really do, but with this prison's history of escapees, Ann Reynolds refuses all requests. I'm sorry." Will said, and Joan thought she had to be going soft or something because she actually believed the man.

"Can I go back to my unit then?" Joan asked, and Dr. Miller looked at the nurse.

"She's calm and her blood pressure is better than it was when you brought her in. I don't see a reason to keep her here." Nurse Helen replied.
"But you come right back if you feel bad again, alright?"

Joan nodded, but Dr. Miller wasn't so sure.

"Can I speak to her in private before she does?" Dr Miller asked, and Will nodded.

"I have other duties to attend. We are still under lockdown, so the guard outside will escort you back to your unit. I'll let you know when I hear anything, Kath." Will explained before he and nurse Helen left them alone.

"What happened upstairs?" Dr. Miller asked bluntly, but Joan blanked at the question.

"The woman I love is in the hospital in a coma. I believe my reaction is normal given what you've described as human emotions." Joan said, perplexed at the question.

"It is, especially given your prior inability to express yourself. I'm speaking of your reaction to seeing Miss Bennett." Dr. Miller wasn't a dumb person by any stretch of the imagination and he had studied human behavior.
"You were coping normally and then you take one look at her and almost pass out."

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