Part 20

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"I need a shower." Stevie said dryly, feeling like she had three layers of dirt on her.

"How's the tummy?" Joan asked, prioritizing food first.

"Better, but-"

"There you two are! I was starting to get worried." Marie said as she popped around a corner.

"Feeling better, kid?"

"I won't feel better for nine months at least." Stevie replied, and Marie wrinkled her brow.

"I'm sorry. I don't think I-"

"I'm fucking pregnant, alright?" Stevie said, the stress rolling off her in waves.

"I just want a shower."

"Oh my." Marie looked to Joan wide-eyed before she glanced back to Stevie.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry."

"No. No. It's fine. I'm sorry. I'm just tired, and I spent a week in the slot, and I need to rest." Stevie said.

"Vera Bennett being everywhere I go doesn't help."

Marie wasn't sure of the whole story, but she nodded.

"Understandably so. Can I get you something to eat from the cafeteria?"

"Actually, I need to speak to you." Joan interrupted, and Marie glanced at the taller woman.

"Could you get something easy for her, and just meet us in the shower block? We can talk more privately there while she showers and then she can rest."

"Sure, Kath." Marie smiled warmly at Stevie then.

"I'll try to find something that didn't trouble my stomach with my son. Meet you both there in fifteen."

"What do you have to talk to her about?" Stevie asked as Marie disappeared from sight and they headed for the unit.

"Do you believe she can be trusted?" Joan asked Stevie quietly so her voice wouldn't carry.

"I guess so. She's helpful, and she's really nice. Too nice for this place, I think." Stevie said.


"We might need her help. I can't be with you all the time, and I think she needs to know how hard Vera is pushing her vendetta against me." Joan explained.

"Allies are always important in a war."

"Now you sound like Lou Kelly." Stevie said with a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" Joan asked as they stepped into the unit and up to Stevie's cell.

"Lou kept going on about how you and Vera were at war. She said the princess had stolen your crown or something like that." Stevie answered truthfully as she started grabbing fresh clothes and shower items.

"She even hinted that you and Vera had fucked in a roundabout way."

Joan was leaning against the door opening as stoic as Stevie had ever seen her. It was disconcerting that the woman could be such a blank slate.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Stevie asked, and Joan studied her before answering.

"Why?" Joan asked simply, not batting an eye at the question.

"To defend yourself maybe." Stevie said, walking up to her as she slung her bag over her shoulder.

"I don't have to defend myself from Lou Kelly as she isn't here. The proper answer to my question would be to admit that you want to know if I fucked Vera." Joan said pointedly and Stevie's face tinged a little red.

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