Part 12

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Stevie felt helpless and hopeless in the moment. Not only was this going to affect her case and freedom, but Joan would think she was lying about doing drugs. She wouldn't be getting out of this hole anytime soon either. She couldn't believe that a superior officer would go to such lengths to prove one inmate was lying. What was the history between Joan and Vera? There had to be something there. Stevie slid to the floor with her back to the door and grasped her arm. That was really starting to hurt now.

"Fuck!" She yelled again, already going crazy in the cramped space and missing Joan as well. She thought back to the kiss they'd shared that very morning. It was the sweetest kiss she'd ever felt, and it spoke more than words ever could about Joan's feelings changing toward her. It had to stand this test of distance between them. Joan would surely know she wasn't doing drugs. When would she have even had a chance to buy them? The one peculiarity to Stevie was how and who had planted them in her cell. Her chest seethed with the red-hot need for revenge. She had never been one to start a fight, but like she'd told both Joan and Marie she sure could fucking finish them. Her dad had made sure she knew how to protect herself after her mother's death since he hadn't been there much. He had stayed busy with work, but when he was, he had taught her well. It was why she'd gotten kicked out of high school. She'd broken a girl's nose who wouldn't stop calling her names because of her red hair and glasses and pimples. The bitch had never bothered her again. She banged her head back against the cell door hard, making her whole body ache.

"So, you're Joanie's girl, huh?" Lou's voice was muffled, but Stevie could hear it clearly. She'd forgotten she was down here.

Lou wasn't a dumb person by any means. She'd listened to the conversation between Stevie and Vera. She had caught every word, and although it was none of her business that shit didn't seem fair. Of course, life wasn't fucking fair, was it?

"Licking her like a big ole ice cream cone, huh?" Lou taunted, needing to get her kicks as the boredom already took over.

Stevie remained quiet, trying not to take the bait from the woman.

"What's she taste like, huh?" Lou grinned as she heard no answer.

"I bet pretty stale since that never gets used. I prefer young fresh meat myself. I can see what Joanie sees in you. Although fuck if I know how she got you licking her pussy so quickly. Mind to share with the class, Simmons?"

Stevie remained quiet, but her knees were bouncing from the effort to control herself.

"You sure got Miss Bennett jealous, don't ya?" Lou continued, waiting for the explosion.

"Rumor has it those two were really close when Joanie was governor since Miss Bennett was her second in command and all. Now I'm not saying they were fucking. I'm just saying-"

"Can't you ever shut the fuck up!?" Stevie yelled, hitting the door again.

"Nope." Lou said with a smile.

"Just thought you'd like to know why Miss Bennett might be riding you so hard. Those two were close until the Princess stole the Queen's crown. It's been war in the kingdom ever since." Lou said truthfully.

"Those two can't get away from each other. Hate can bind you together in some ways as strong as love can."

Stevie didn't reply. She was both interested and frightened by what she'd hear of the past of the two women. There had to be something evil within Vera Bennett to go to these extreme lengths to harm Joan through Stevie. Stevie recalled what Joan had said about the other women fearing her and how their association was dangerous. Stevie hadn't known it at the time, but Joan had equally been speaking of Vera Bennett. Stevie could kick herself for not realizing that sooner. If Joan's feelings were changing towards her, then this would hurt Joan. She would blame herself. Their relationship could be shattered. Joan might never let her in again!

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