Part 36

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Will Jackson's stomach turned as he stepped into the basement. A trail of blood coated the floor that led down the hall. Police were swarming the floor, flashes of the cameras were going off, and to look at the scene it was amazing Joan Ferguson was still alive. It got even worse when he stepped to the door and saw the bloody baton and the pool around it.

"Governor Jackson?" A man asked, stepping through the door and over the blood.
"I'm Detective Wayne McManus."

"Yes, I'm Governor Jackson." Will replied and shook the man's hand.

"I need access to your security footage." Detective McManus said, getting to the point.
"Is this level normally accessible to prisoners?"

"No, it isn't." Will replied.

"Any idea how Joan Ferguson would have been down here? Was she in the slot?" The detective asked.

"No, she's been a model prisoner since she's been back in Wentworth." Will said truthfully.
"I could only see her being down here if she were brought."

"Any suspicions of who might have brought her down here?" Detective McManus asked, and Will sighed heavily.

"The woman has made quite a few enemies in here. She's an ex-Governor. Has a bit of a reputation." Will replied as he put his hands on his hips.
"But the only ones with access to bring her down here would be a guard."

"Any of your guards have a reason to do this?" Detective McManus knew more than he was saying, but he was holding that card to his chest.

"She didn't make friends during her time as Governor, Detective." Will pointed toward the stairs.
"Can we talk while we go visit the room with the security footage?"

"Sure. We are holding the scene. I doubt Joan Ferguson will live so that will make this a homicide." Detective McManus said truthfully as they headed up the stairs.

"Joan Ferguson has shared a pretty volatile relationship with Vera Bennett over the years." Will said.
"I've had suspicions over certain goings-on here lately. Joan Ferguson is in a relationship with another prisoner, Stephanie Simmons. Simmons filed a complaint the other day against Vera Bennett that's being investigated. Vera Bennett had her former lover and fellow guard plant fake drugs in her cell."

"Simmons is the inmate who almost died days ago, correct?" Detective McManus asked, thinking of the file on his desk.

"Yes." Will replied.

"What is the name of the former lover?" The detective asked.

"Jake Stewart." Will said and McManus knew that name very well.

"Was Miss Bennett on duty this evening?" McManus asked and Will shook his head no.

"She wasn't scheduled but sometimes officers switch without letting me know. As long as things run smoothly I don't gripe about it. Jake Stewart was supposed to be in duty." Will said honestly.
"I try not to be a hardass. We need to check camera footage, however. She has access and I have personal knowledge of her deleting files before of certain... illicit activities."

"I would warn you, Governor, not to say anything that would involve yourself in a crime." Detective McManus said, stopping Will from continuing.

"I want the truth to come out, Detective. That's what is important here. If Joan Ferguson dies and I could have prevented this..."
Will felt guilty rush through his body making him feel physically ill.
"I tried to prevent this. I spoke to my supervisor about Vera Bennett's mental state. I was concerned. She has changed. She's completely become obsessed with Joan Ferguson."

McManus mind was spinning with this information. It all fit with the information in the file back at the station. They had to check that security footage and find Vera Bennett and Jake Stewart.

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