Part 25

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Joan looked at him calmly, her gaze holding his until he finally looked away and then she reached for the file.

"What is it?" Joan asked, as she opened it and started reading a section in Linda Miles handwriting. Will let her read as long as she wanted before she closed the folder and looked up at him.

"Well?" Will asked.

"Did Linda Miles spitbag me? Yes." Joan replied easily.

"Did you hear Vera Bennett order it?" Will asked, pushing for an answer.

Joan's mind went back to the memory.

{After Linda Miles had come back to retrieve the spitbag, Joan had sat in the dark for some time as memories floated back to her. She'd been surprised when the door came open and Vera had stepped into the room. Joan's face had been covered in sweat, her hair clinging to her face and neck, and there had been a strange air of compassion as Vera had slid a cool cloth over Joan's face. Joan warily thought she had heard her confession, but Vera's next words had ripped away that fear.

"I'm sorry I had Linda do that, Joan. I know how scary that must have been after your experience in that hole."

Joan had stared at her blankly, not responding in the slightest.

"Do you remember now, Joan? How Will buried you so deep? He said you screamed like a child for help. Imagine, you, a monster that's scared to go back to the very darkness where you've emerged."

Joan still didn't respond as the cool cloth ran along her chin before Vera dipped it down her neck.

"I didn't save you from being hung by the women just so you could be buried alive. I want you to know that wasn't my idea. Jake and Will had their own plans that didn't include me. Channing refused to put you into protection. They all wanted you dead, but I...I felt something for you once, Joan. If you would just confess, I could have you transfered. You might even get the help you need."

Vera's face was level with Joan's now and she could see the younger woman's serpentine tongue bending as she spoke.

"Are you telling me that Will Jackson, the governor of this prison, buried me in a hole in the ground?" Joan asked, Vera's hand that held the cloth stopping at the collar that hung right above her breasts.

At that moment the lights came back on, and the softness in Vera's touch and voice were revealed for what they were in the bright light surrounding them. The act of kindness dropped as did Vera's hand, taking the cloth with it as she stepped back from the bed.

"You want to continue this act? Fine, but this isn't over. I'll never stop until I've proven you are lying, Joan."

With that, Vera turned on her heel and stepped as quickly as possible from the room.}

The memory faded, and Will was still looking at her for an answer. Joan still had very little trust for the man in front of her. Old habits were hard to break for Joan.

"Did I hear Vera Bennett order Linda Miles to spitbag me? No." Joan replied, not going into further detail with the happenings of later.
"Do you believe she is capable of such an action, Governor Jackson?" Joan asked pointedly.

Will looked at her for a moment, hearing an undertone he hadn't heard before from the woman. Still, right was right and they'd all committed wrongs against each other.

"I believe we are all capable of committing terrible acts under the right set of circumstances. When we feel we are pushed into a corner." Will replied, not only speaking of Vera. He was tired of this war. He was ready for peace if it was possible.

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