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chapter 27

movie - the amazing spider-man 2



HER TIGHT HOLD NEVER left Emery's body — the same could be said about Peter's hold on Charlotte. The trio, though only two now, were combed together in a hug. Nothing (besides Emery) went through their head and it was like every memory they had of her was replaying in their minds.

Charlotte had remembered when she first met Emery. It was at a park, when the two were only twelve years young. Emery had been with her parents, holding a small, sad smile on her face as she tried to hide the tears that painted down her tinted cheeks. Her father, Jeffery McKinley, held her arm harshly — something that hadn't gotten past young Charlotte. Her mother, Nancy McKinley, simply ignored the gesture and continued to converse on her phone.

In curiosity, Charlotte had followed the small family. She had completely forgotten about her mom's wishes of staying close as she followed after her future friend.

Though, she kept her distance in the process.

It was rather abrupt when Jeffery McKinley stopped and looked down at his daughter—
—Charlotte had opted to hide behind one of the park's trees as she peeked around the wood.

His whispering, although painfully quiet, seemed overly aggressive at the small girl. And Charlotte had audibly let out a gasp as the man had used the back of his hand to smack the girl across the cheek — shooing her away right after.

Emery had held back more tears from falling at the impact of the hit. She instead waited until she turned around before letting her lip tremble.

Charlotte had waited a moment to follow the girl — catching up with her easily as she found her at the swings. Emery was sat still as her grip was tightened against the rusty chains — not even realizing when a golden haired girl sat beside her.

The two sat together in silence, letting the air slowly glide them back in forth on the swings.

Charlotte was the first one to make a noise.

        She had squealed when a rush of wind had hit them, making her swing pick up its pace rather quickly. Emery had finally looked over at her, trying to hide the amusement on her face.

But, Charlotte caught it.

And because she had caught that look, she felt it was almost necessary to grasp the girls hand — leading the short haired girl to let out a screech as she her own swing went faster.

The two had matched laughs, keeping their hands gripped together as they swung until nightfall.

Peter also remembered first meeting the girl.

He had known Charlotte for the most part of his life. They were once neighbors, causing the two to communicate every now and then. Charlotte had been there when his parents dropped him off at his aunt and uncles and she was there when he had learned about the plane crash.

They had always known each other.

However, they weren't friends yet.

Not until he was thirteen.

         Peter Parker had been casually digging through trash bins, looking for anything interesting or useful he could use.

         It had become a hobby for the boy — finding things that he could tinker with. And because he didn't grow up with a lot of money, Peter had found that digging through people's trash was very helpful.

When Peter would dig through the trash, he would completely ignore his other surroundings. He was in a state of mind of such strong focus, he wouldn't realize that someone had walked past him along with the rats that would roam near his feet.

His eyes would remain focused on the scraps.

However, on a rare circumstance, something had caught his attention.

Charlotte's loud laugh.

Peter's heart had tightened at the noise of his old neighbor and he had quickly pulled himself out of the dumpster, trying to make himself look presentable as he looked for the sound.

And once he saw her, he couldn't help but release a smile.

Charlotte had a hand placed over her mouth, trying to suppress the giggles that continuously escaped.

          Peter's attention had been so focused on the girl, he hadn't even realized that her friend was walking over to him. And unlike Charlotte, her face held a solemn expression.

Until she snapped a finger in his face.

Peter felt himself jump as he glanced down at the shorter girl, who was holding out a takeout box to him.

He had simply just stood there, absolutely confused.

Charlotte couldn't help but awkwardly make her way over to them, pushing the box back towards Emery.

"I'm so sorry," Charlotte spoke, gaining his attention once again, "Emery— well," She stuttered out, both because of the situation and because who she was talking too, "She got a little confused when she saw you digging through the trash.."

Peter kept the same confused expression on his face as he now looked at the pretty blonde in front of him. Not understanding her explanation until a moment later.


And then his own face broke out into a smile.

"I'm not homeless."

Emery felt like dying right there from embarrassment.


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