Chapter 22

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After spending a good portion of the afternoon stuck in my room doing nothing but going over and over everything that Julius had told me, I find that I have just had enough of this. I put on my jacket and rush out of the room.

I find him in his room, sweating and shirtless going heavy on his punching bag. He stops when he notices me standing there.

"I want to talk to someone" I blurt out the second he notices me

"Alright" he says breathing heavy "Who do you want to talk with?"

"Marianne Sasphire" I tell him as he cleans his face with a fresh towel "But I don't know where she lives."

"That's okay. I can find out." he reassures me putting on a t-shirt, and hiding what I admit is a very good view for my eyes "Just let me make a phone call and I'll take you there."

"Okay. Thanks." I thank him quietly.

I sit on the porch with my two security guards as company. Both stay quiet, never even acknowledging that I am here. Usually that would annoy me but today I appreciate the illusion of privacy they provided.

I take in a deep breath, just breathing in the fresh air. I had done a lot of thinking this afternoon. I struggle with the idea of having so little control over my life. I enjoy being independent. My father used to keep a strong grip on my life, and I relish in the fact that I'm no longer under his control. But then I remembered a conversation I had with my brother once.

"Hayley, tell me something, what do you think of the werewolves?" Oliver asks me as we walk along the beach.

"They monstrous beasts who deserve to be put down for the sake of humankind." I told him with absolute certainty.

"Yes, but...can I tell you a secret?" he asks as he stops and picks up a little rock. He turns to the sea and bounces the rock in his hand.

"Of course." I reassure him. He could always confide in me.

He seems contemplative for a few seconds until he throws the rock far away. We both watch it sink down on the ocean.

"I sort of...respect them." he confesses

"What do you mean?" I ask confused. Why would he respect monsters like them?

"Did you know that once a werewolf chooses a mate, they can never get a divorce?" he asks surprising me

"That seems...wrong. What if they want to end the marriage?" I reply finding this conversation very odd.

"That's the deal, they won't. Wolves are very loyal. Once they settle on a mate they will never stray." he informs me, turning to look at me. A strange look in his eyes. "There's something almost magical about it, don't you agree? To be able to commit to one person for the rest of your life. Humans are incapable of that."

I remember laughing at him now that I think about it. At the time, the idea sounded so absurd, that I didn't understand what he was saying. What he was trying to say. Had he met Marianne by then? I wonder what advice he would have for me right now. That's why I want to talk with Marianne. She was married to my brother. At some point he had to deal with this information as well. How did he react?

The front door opens and Julius exits.

"Hey" he says with a soft smile "I got her address."

"What is it?" I ask him, wanting to get there quickly.

"You wouldn't recognise it." he says putting on his jacket "Come on, I'll take you there."

"You don't have to come." I tell him. I can't exactly talk about him when he's standing right beside me.

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