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Ryan's POV

I woke up this morning before Luke, so I got to watch him sleep for about 15 minutes. I was in awe that this man was going to be my husband. And soon, the father of my child.

When he woke up, I gave him a kiss and ran to the bathroom to quickly get ready because I realized I was running late. I had to be out of the house by 10am to go to my parent's house to get ready with Cal, Mia, Amy, Liz, and my parents. Michael, Ashton, Jack, Ben, and Andy were going to come here at 10:30 to get themselves ready, too.

I wanted Cal to be my man of honour and Mia and Amy to be bridesmaids. I decided to include Liz in getting ready because she doesn't have a daughter, so I wanted her to get that experience too.

I was able to leave the house by 10:10 and quickly sped over to my parent's house. When I got there, the makeup and hair people were all set up and ready to go. We spent the morning talking about our excitement for the wedding, what Luke and I were going to do on our honeymoon, and how he proposed.

When Amy, Amelia, and Liz were getting their hair done, my mom and I walked to the kitchen to fill our plates with some food we had ordered to the house.

"So, have you and Luke talked about kids?" My mom asked, and I immediately felt the heat rise in my cheeks.

"Well..." I began, but she already knew. She gasped and gave me the biggest hug. "Please don't tell anyone yet! We found out last night."

"Oh, sweetie! I'm going to be a grandma!" She whispered, bursting with joy. "Introducing you and Luke was the best thing I think I've ever done." I laughed at that, because if someone had told me months ago that I would be here and agreeing with that statement, I would have thought they were crazy.

It is crazy. It's all absolutely mind-blowing that this is my reality. I met the love of my life through an online ad my parents set up for my arranged marriage. I am marrying the man of my dreams, a man who I absolutely hated the first time I met him. A few months ago, I was crying in my bedroom at the thought of marrying a stranger. I was so angry with my parents for betraying me and forcing me into this, and yet here I am happier than ever and so unbelievably grateful for that moment.

"Ryan! Come on we're opening the champagne," Mia yelled to me in the kitchen. I immediately grimaced and turned around to join everyone, plastering a big smile on my face.

"That's alright, you guys enjoy. I want to be sober today so I can truly enjoy it and soak it in." I knew it wasn't a great lie, but it was all I had. Cal shot me a look, knowing exactly what was up, but he kept quiet.

"Awwwwww," everyone cooed. It seemed no one suspected anything, except Cal of course, so I was in the clear.

Before I could say anymore, Cal grabbed my arm and guided me to our old bedroom. He didn't say a word until the door was shut and locked. "Is there something you would like to share with me?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I retorted. I tried to act clueless, but Cal knew me better than anyone and I could never lie to him.

"Ryan Charlotte Clifford, soon-to-be Hemmings, never turns down a drink. Not even champagne," he stated plainly. "You can't fool me, your best friend."

"I knew this was going to be an impossible secret to keep. First my mom, now you," I sighed. "Fine. Yes, I am pregnant. Luke and I found out last night" I finally admitted. A huge smile spread across Cal's lips and he ran over to me, picking me up and swinging me around.

"This is the best news ever! I'm going to be an uncle!" Cal exclaimed. He let out an overjoyed cross between a cheer and a scream. He finally put me down and squished my cheeks together with his palms. "I love you so much. And I love Luke for giving you this life and for giving me a niece or nephew."

"What about a godchild?" I asked, knowing Luke and I never really talked about it. But it felt right, in this moment, to ask Cal to be the godfather. I'm sure Luke wouldn't object.

"Are you serious? You want me to be the godfather?" Cal confirmed, speechless. I nodded my head in anticipation and he picked me up again. "Yes, yes! Oh my god, of course, yes." He put me down and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing my cheek. "Best news ever. Best day ever!"

"Good because I wouldn't want this child to have any other godfather than you," I laughed and pulled away to show him the big smile on my face.

"Well, there's no better time than now to give you this." Cal said, walking over to the dresser. He opens the top drawer, pulling out

"I know you're wearing your grandma's diamond earrings as your 'something old,' you're wearing your mom's veil from her wedding as your 'something borrowed,' and you're wearing the sapphire ring Michael and your dad got you as your something 'blue.' But I was hoping this could be your 'something new,'" Cal said. He offered me a square white box that was wrapped with a beautiful cream bow.

"Cal, you shouldn't have," I insisted.

"Ry, you're my best friend and I am your man of honour. And now the godfather of your child. You really think I wouldn't have gotten you anything?" He asked, giving me a soft smile.

"Okay, okay..." I relented, opening the box. Inside, there was a silver bracelet with seven small chains on it.

"Each chain represents an important moment in your life. There is a mini Sydney Opera House to represent the day you moved to here. The soccer ball represents the first time we met each other during the soccer game at the high school. The hairbrush represents your career as a successful and amazing hairdresser. The sun represents the first time you and Luke hung out at the Sunrise Grill diner. The slide represents the night Luke brought you to the abandoned park because that was the night you both started to fall in love with each other. The small hut represents the plaza where you guys had your first date, and later where you agreed to be official. The small dress represents the day you and Luke went to his brother's wedding because we both know that was a big development in your relationship. And finally, the two hearts represents you and Luke on your wedding day."

"Cal... this is the most thoughtful and perfect gift." I exclaimed, tears coming to my eyes.

"Now, we have to get a small baby for that little muffin you're growing in there." He patted my belly, laughing. I couldn't help but start to cry as I gave him a big hug.

"I love you." I whispered into his chest. He echoed it back and we pulled away, wiping our tears. We waited a minute, collecting ourselves, before we went back downstairs to join the rest of the party.

I couldn't imagine a more perfect day to get married.

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