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Ryan's POV

"Shit, Ryan, I'm so sorry. How are you doing now sweetheart?" Amelia asked me, pulling me into a hug. It was now the following Friday night and I decided to invite Amelia and Ashton over to tell them what happened. I was sitting on the couch, Amelia on my right and Ashton on my left.

"I'm doing better. It's just hard, you know?" I said, hoping I wouldn't start crying again.

"If there's anything you need, let us know." Ashton said, joining in on the hug.

"Actually, there is." I paused, looking to them. When they both gave me encouraging looks, I continued. "I need help telling my parents tonight. Calum's going to do the talking, but I need emotional support."

"Say no more, we'll be there." Ashton spoke up, Amelia nodding as well. I gave them both a smile and we had a mini group hug.

My dad sat on my left side, my mum on my right, and Michael beside my dad. Ashton and Amelia were on the other couch, and Calum and Luke decided to stand in front of my parents to explain.

"Ryan, what's going on?" My mum finally asked, sensing the tense atmosphere.

"Daryl, Karen, this is going to be hard to hear." Luke started, gesturing for Calum to continue. My parents sent confused looks to each other.

"Ryan has been friends with this guy named Noah Walker since she was sixteen and he was nineteen. They tried dating but it didn't work out." Calum decided to say this instead of saying we were friends with benefits. "Last Sunday night, Ryan went over to his apartment because they were going to have dinner together." Calum began again, and I couldn't help but let a few tears fall down my face. My parents didn't notice though, they were too focused on what Calum was saying.

"I drove her there, after we spent the day together shopping." Luke interrupted, looking extremely sad and guilty.

"That night, Noah raped Ryan." When Calum said this, both of my parents gasped and turned to me.

"Is this true, Ryan?" My dad asked me. I slowly nodded, letting all the tears spill out of my eyes. My mum immediately hugged me and started crying, as well. My parents and I had a five minute group-hug session, my parents both whispering soothing words in my ears, and finally pulled away, each of us with red, puffy eyes.

"Have you told the police?" My dad asked again.

"I called Luke right after it happened and he stayed with me that night. The next day, I told Calum and Michael, and we all went to the police station." I said, looking up to meet Luke's eyes. I hope my parents don't blame him for this, and I hope he doesn't blame himself either.

"Oh, sweetie. I'm so sorry you felt you couldn't come to us. We will do everything we can to get him behind bars." My mum told me. I nodded and squeezed her hand.

Just then, the phone rang and Calum walked over to answer.

"Hello?" He spoke into the phone. "Yes, she is." He said again, walking over and handing me the phone.

"Hello? Ryan Clifford?" Someone asked through the receiver.


"Hi, this is Officer Smith. I just wanted to inform you we have Noah Walker in custody at this time. His trial is scheduled for tomorrow at three in the afternoon."

"Okay, thank you. Goodnight." I spoke, before I hung up. Everyone in the room's eyes were on me. "That was the police station. Noah's been arrested and his trial is tomorrow at three."

"We'll all be there." Luke spoke up, everyone agreeing with him.

"You will get your justice, Ryan. You can count on that." My dad said, rubbing my back. God, I hope he was right.

Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to make the trial its own chapter. Also, happy 24th birthday to Ashton!! ~Jess

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