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Ryan's POV

Last night was perfect. The love of my life proposed to me. I'm so in love with Luke and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. Being in love is amazing, but the fact that I'm in love with Luke is even better. I can't believe I was so scared to admit that I loved him, but now that I have, I've never felt so alive.

We met in February and it's now May. Three months we've known each other and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with Luke. It's crazy how fast these things can happen, I mean no wonder I was scared. But the second I put the fear aside, I finally starting living.

After the proposal, we ordered take-away and cuddled all night. Luke suggested we watch the Titanic because that was the first movie we watched together, even though we weren't a couple at the time.

Luke told me he already told our parents, so I decided I would visit them this morning just to tell them I said yes. He also told me we needed to tell all our friends! I can't wait to tell Cal the most. He's going to be happier than I am.

I decided to take the day off work today and so did Luke, so we could make the rounds and start planning. We stayed up so late last night talking about the wedding and everything we wanted. I told him I didn't want to wait a year or however long most couples wait. I wanted to get married as soon as possible. I wanted to call Luke my husband.

We agreed on September because it was both of our favourite months. I didn't want to do it too close to my birthday, so we decided on later September. That way there's time between my birthday and the wedding, and we are guaranteed warmer weather because I don't want it to be hot, but I also don't want it to be cold. We also set up a meeting with a wedding planner this afternoon, so that we can get started right away.

This morning, I woke up before Luke. His arms were wrapped around my waist, so I carefully tried to turn around without waking him up. Once I was facing him, I watched this beautiful man sleep. His eyes were closed and he looked so peaceful. His blonde hair was all messy and his lips were making small movements as he breathed in and out. I could get used to this.

I kept watching for about 5 minutes and then I saw his eyes flutter open very slightly. A small smile grew on his face as he opened his eyes even more.

"Were you watching me sleep?" He asked in his raspy morning voice. In the mornings, his Australian accent was stronger than ever. I nodded my head and brought my hand up to his head, brushing his hair through my fingers.

"I love you." I responded cheekily, biting my lip as a huge smile grew on my face. He tilted his chin up and connected our lips. I pulled away and ran my thumb over his lips. "So, I'm going to text Cal, Mike, Ash, and Mia to meet here in an hour? I want it to be a surprise, so I'm just going to tell them I want them to see the house."

"Sounds like a plan!" He jumped up and out of bed all excited. It warmed my heart knowing he was just as happy as me, if not more, about our engagement. "Oh, and I love you too." He added before he went into the bathroom.

Luke's POV

Everybody would be here in about 10 minutes and I was actually pretty excited. I felt like over the past three months, Ry's friends have become my friends. I would even consider Ashton, Michael, and Calum as my best friends.

Last night Ry fell asleep before me, so as I watched her asleep, I thought about who I wanted to be my best man. I would ask Ben or Jack, but I'm not really super close with them and they barely know Ryan. I want it to be someone who is close with both of us. I already knew Ry was gonna ask Cal to be her Man of Honour, but I was thinking of asking Michael. Him and I have gotten super close and we would often hang out by ourselves without Ryan. Plus, I think Ryan would love to have her brother incorporated in the ceremony. I'm definitely going to have Ben, Jack, and Ashton as my groomsmen though.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the doorbell ring. Ryan was doing her makeup in the bathroom and I was sitting on the couch, so I got up and answered the door.

I opened the door and saw Calum first, then Michael, then Ashton, and Amelia. "Hey guys!" I exclaimed.

"Luke this place is amazing! How the hell could you afford a mansion like this?!" Amelia squealed, embracing me in a hug.

"Yeah, man. This is sick!" Ashton joined in, giving me a pat on the back.

"Dude, I am SO moving into the guest bedroom!" Michael embraced me in a hug, excitement coursing through his blood.

"I gotta admit this place is cool. I'm glad Ryan has you to take care of her. You're a pretty cool dude." Calum hugged me as well. We all moved inside and I gave them a little tour while I let Ryan finish getting ready.

When we got back to the dining room, they all took a seat at the dining room table and right then, Ryan came down the stairs. A big smile grew on her face and she ran down to give them all hugs. Funny enough, none of them noticed the giant rock on her finger. I guess they were too caught up in the house.

After the excitement settled down, we all moved to the couch and were all just chilling. Eventually, I gave Ryan a look and she nodded her head.

"So, I'm really glad you guys love the house and you're all welcome here any time, I mean it. But there is another reason I invited you all here." She paused and everybody was looking at her, expectantly. "We're engaged!" She squealed, sticking out her hand to show off the ring.

Everyone erupted into excitement and Amelia squealed the loudest. She jumped up and hugged Ryan while they had huge smiles on their faces.

Michael had pure shock on his face and jumped up to embrace me in a hug. "Hell yeah, dude! You're my best friend and my brother-in-law? Score!" When he said this, I became ecstatic because I've always wanted a best friend, and hearing Michael say that made me super happy. He then walked over and gave Ryan a big hug.

Ashton also got up and gave me a hug. "I better be a groomsman! But seriously, congrats buddy." I nodded my head, assuring him, as he walked over and gave Ryan a hug as well.

Last to get up was Calum. He first shook my hand and then pulled me into a hug. "I knew you two were soulmates the first time I met you. Welcome to the family, brother." He told me as we remained in a hug. He then pulled away and squished my cheeks together with both his hands. "Love you, man." He then went over to Ryan and she jumped into his arms as he swung her around. They were the ultimate best friends that I've ever seen and it made me so happy to have Calum's approval.

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Everyone was caught up in conversation so I removed myself to answer the door. Behind it were two police officers.

"Luke Hemmings?" They asked and I nodded. "There's been an incident. Will you please come with us?"

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