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Ryan's POV

"What do you mean it's yours?! You can't afford this, Luke." I felt like I had just been whiplashed. There was no way Luke could afford a house like this, he's 23 for god's sake.

"Actually, I can. My parents have been saving money for me to go to university since I was born, and since I never went, they gave me the money to use towards whatever I wanted. Plus, they saved a bunch of money to help my brother's and I each a bit when we did decide to buy a house, but since both Jack and Ben were able to pay for their houses by themselves, my parents saved all of the money for me. I found this house and knew it was the perfect house to live in with my future family, so I talked to my parents and they helped me buy it."

"Luke, this is crazy. This is a million dollar house!" I was freaking out, knowing that he was able to even buy this.

"It's our million dollar house. If you'll move in, of course." He said, watching my facial expression. He had the biggest smile on his face and I knew that he wanted this more than anything.

"You're insane." I joked, a smile growing on my face. Just the thought of living in this house, alone, with Luke was crazy.

"Is that a yes?" He was holding his breath, I could tell.

"Hm, living in a luxurious house with my boyfriend that isn't too far from my parents, right on the beach, and five minutes away from my work? I mean, how could I not?" I jumped up into Luke's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he put his hands under my bum to hold me up.

"I love you... so much. I can't wait... for this chapter... of our lives." Luke told me in between kisses. I smiled, knowing he loved me and that we did have a future together one way or another.

"I'm excited, too. And I can't wait to move all my clothes into the walk-in closet!" I squealed, excited that I don't have to share closet and cabinet space with Calum anymore. I mean I love the guy but he has so so so much stuff! Luke laughed at my comment, leaning in for another kiss.

We decided to grab some lunch on our way back to my house, so that I wasn't hungry while I started to move out. Luke told me I could take my time, since his stuff still had to be moved. He had rented a U-Haul truck to come on Sunday, so I decided I would get one too so we could move in together. It wasn't until I got back home and saw my room that I realized how much stuff I had.

Luke dropped me off and decided to head home so he could finish the last of his packing. My mom and dad said they would help by going out to buy things like bed sheets, pillows, hangers, towels, blankets, kitchen supplies, cleaning supplies, and all the basic needs for a house.

That left Calum and Michael with me, who both said they would help pack all my belongings into boxes so that I would be able to move the next day. They were both a little emotional that I would no longer be living with them, but when I told them that there were 4 guest bedrooms and that they could stay any time, they became happier.

I was sad to be leaving my parents, Mike, and Cal, but I was so excited to move in with Luke and have our own house all to ourselves. Plus I have my car and they're only a few minutes away so it's not that far to go see them.

I just can't wait to go to bed beside Luke every night and wake up to him every morning. I finally feel like a real adult, having my own house with someone as special to me as Luke.

I just feel a little guilty. I haven't been able to say those three words to Luke and I'm afraid he's going to get frustrated. After all, he deserves to go all in with someone who can reciprocate his love. But, I want to be that someone.

It was 10:00 o'clock on Sunday night, and Luke and I spent the entire day moving into our new house. We both woke up at 6:00a.m., and packed up the moving truck and both of ours cars with all of our stuff.

Both of our parents helped unpack our things and they also ran out to get any last minute things we may have forgot. Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Amelia all stopped by to lend a hand for a few hours and check out the house. Ash and Mia were impressed Luke could afford this, but I honestly think Mia was a bit jealous.

Now, Luke and I were cuddling in our master bed, slowly dozing off to sleep. My head was on Luke's chest, our legs intertwined, and his arms around me. In this moment, I felt the most loved I'd ever felt.

"Luke?" I cooed, looking up to see his eyes down on me.

"Yeah, baby?" He asked, his hand playing with my hair. I blushed a little, but kept eye contact.

"I'm falling in love with you."

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