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Calum's POV

"Ryan, please tell me what is going on." I asked, desperate. I had been at work during the morning but all I could think about was what Luke had said. Something had happened to Ryan and I had to know she was okay.

"Cal, please don't be mad." She looked like she had just been crying and like she was going to start again.

"I could never be mad at you." I softened, aware that she probably thought I was mad by how I asked her what was going on. Ryan pulled me into our room and sat us down on the bed. Luke stood back and closed the door, knowing we needed our privacy.

Ryan opened her mouth but closed again quickly, unsure how to start. I grabbed for her hands and held them in mine, trying to comfort her as best as I could. "Take your time, no rush." I reassured her, scared for what she was going to say.

"Do you remember Noah? Noah Walker?" She asked, cringing when she said his name.

"Yeah, of course. I hated that you were seeing him." I replied, remembering when I walked in on them in our bedroom like three years ago.

"Well, when I told you we stopped seeing each other? We didn't. We only saw each other about once or twice a month." She said, nervously looking up to see my reaction. I was pissed that she would lie to me, but I knew there was more to this story, so I didn't say anything. I swear to god if this douche broke her heart, I will kill him.

"So yesterday, I decided to finally break it off with him. Because of Luke and everything. But he insisted that I come over for a 'goodbye dinner'. He promised me no sex." She paused, gulping down. I could feel the sweat prickling the back of my neck, afraid where this might be going.

"I got there and he..." I was fuming at this point, knowing exactly where this was going.

"Ryan, I know this is hard but please tell me, what did he do?" I pleaded, needing to hear it from her.

"H-he raped me, Cal." She whispered, tears falling down her face for what I assume wasn't the first time today.

"Jesus fucking christ." I sighed, feeling like shit. "Ryan, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm so fucking sorry." I said, pulling her into my chest while she cried. I rested my chin on her head and I noticed a few tears slip out of the corner of my eyes.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." She said, after a few minutes.

"Please don't be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry over." I replied quickly, pulling her into my chest again.

"Luke and I are going to the police station. To file a report." She said, looking up to meet my eyes. "Will you please come?"

"Yes, Ry, of course." I would move mountains for her if she asked. I heard her stomach grumble and realized she probably hasn't eaten breakfast. I quickly pulled her downstairs and saw Luke standing over the stove making pancakes. When he heard us, he turned around and flashed us a small smile.

While we were eating, Ryan put her fork down and said, "I'm scared to tell Michael and my parents. I'm afraid of what they'll think."

"They will support you no matter what." Luke responded, giving Ryan a comforting smile.

"Don't worry about your parents, I'll tell them. If you want." She quickly nodded and looked down at her hands, knowing she had to tell her over-protective brother. "As for Michael, he's probably on lunch right now. I can call him and maybe he would then come to the police station with us?" I suggested, wanting to have as much support for Ryan as possible.

Ryan's POV

"So what's up, sis?" Michael asked me. He had just arrived and I sat him down on the couch in front of me, between Luke and Calum.

"Please hear me out, all the way through. And don't be mad or freak out." I began knowing he will flip out. He just nodded, getting impatient. I told him everything, just like I did with Calum a couple hours before. I watched Michael go from slightly impatient to quite nervous to completely pissed off to extremely sad.

"My god, Ryan. Why didn't you tell me after it happened?" He asked, catching me off guard. I opened my mouth to reply but he cut me off. "Never mind, it doesn't matter. I'm just glad you told me." I was relieved he knew and wasn't mad at me. But I knew he wouldn't be.

"Let's go to the police station." Calum announced, leading us out to Luke's car. I sat in the passenger seat, Luke driving, and Calum and Michael sitting in the back. We arrived within a few minutes and we all climbed out. We stood in front of the doors and Luke grabbed my left hand, Calum grabbed my right, and Michael held onto my shoulder. I don't know what I would do without these boys.

We walked into the station and I walked up to the desk. A middle aged man sat behind the desk and looked up when he saw me approach the desk.

"Hi, how can I help you?" He asked, looking at me and the three boys around me.

"I would like to report a rape." I said, my voice barely audible. If I spoke any louder, my voice probably would have cracked.

"Okay. Follow me." The officer immediately reacted to my words and led me to the back. I looked back and saw Calum, Luke and Michael giving me encouraging smiles.

Luke's POV

Ryan had been in the back for about an hour and I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I had wanted to do it when Ryan was at work, but I had to do it know. I stood up but Calum called me back.

"Luke, where the hell are you going?" Calum asked, annoyed that I was leaving.

"I'm going to beat up that bastard before he's put in jail." I whispered, not wanting the cops around me to hear. Calum gave a look to Michael and they both stood up.

"We're coming with you." Calum said, clenching his fists.

"That bastard deserves everything that's coming for him." Michael seethed, leading us out to the car.

Noah's going to wish he never even laid eyes on Ryan.

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