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Savannah, Georgia: Friday 6p

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Savannah, Georgia: Friday 6p.m.

Sydney, Australia: Saturday 8a.m.

Ryan was sitting on her bed, crossed-legged, with her laptop out in front of her. Her blue laptop faced the door while she's talking, with earbuds in her ears. She's talking to her brother, Michael, over FaceTime since he's in Sydney, Australia and she's in Savannah, Georgia.

Michael and Ryan's parents grew up in Sydney but moved to Savannah because of their dad's job. When Michael was eleven, he showed a great interest in computer sciences so their parents decided he could attend a school for tech and computer science in Sydney, Australia. He moved in with their grandparents and has lived there for five years now; he's currently sixteen and one year older than Ryan.

"You're starting to pick up the Australian accent, Mikey." Ryan stated, shocked he picked it up so quickly.

"Yeah, well it's been five years." When Michael said this, Ryan became really sad because she hasn't seen her brother face-to-face in five years.

"I miss you so much. I wish I could visit you but mom and dad are being real dicks about it. I mean I'm fifteen, I could fly by myself and spend this summer there with you!"

"Yeah... about that—." Michael started but got interrupted by their parents knocking on Ryan's door. Ryan pulled her earbuds out of her laptop and turned the laptop to face her parents. Her parents sat on the edge of her double bed and waved at their son through the computer screen.

"Hi baby, how you doing down there? The weather nice?" Karen yelled, her strong Australian accent finding its way into her sentence.

"Mum, you know it's winter down here right now so its pretty chilly compared to the rest of the year." Michael rolled his eyes.

"Ah son, seems as though you've got yourself a nice 'strayan accent developing!" Daryl commented, noticing his son's accent.

"Ugh, now I definitely feel adopted..." Ryan groaned. Her whole life, people swore she was adopted. Her parents and Michael all have blonde hair, green eyes, and a tall frame. They all have broad shoulders and a similar facial bone structure. Whereas, Ryan has light brown hair, brown eyes and she's really short. She also has a petit figure and a completely different bone structure from her family. She looks more similar to her grandma in Sydney, whom she's only met once.

"Oh Ry, just because you look and sound different, doesn't mean you're adopted!" Michael joked, aggravating Ryan even more.

"Michael Gordon Clifford, quit being rude to your sister! She's just as much a part of this family as you are with your ugly dyed hair!" Karen snaps, causing Michael to blush from embarrassment.

"Anyways, your mother and I came here to discuss something with the two of you." Daryl said, causing suspicion between the two siblings.

"We wanted to tell you we are moving. Your father got a new job and forces us to move."

"Wait, does that mean I have to move from 'straya?" Michael asked.

"No, actually, we are coming to you. We're moving to Sydney!" Daryl said, hoping for a good reaction from his children.

"Oh my god!" Ryan yelled, jumping for joy on her bed. She jumped off and hugged her parents. Truth was, she hated not being able to see her brother everyday and had hoped for years she could go live with him. Plus, she hated Georgia because she would get made fun of at school because she had a punk rock style and had no friends.

"So you're not sad?" Karen asked after being released from Ryan.

"Are you kidding? I'm over the moon!" Ryan squealed, hearing Michael yell in the background.

"When are you guys coming?" Michael asked, unable to contain his happiness.

"Next Wednesday. We already bought a house close-by to your grandparents. We also bought a bunch of new furniture online and had it shipped to the house already so it could be set up before we get there." Daryl informed, smiling from his kids' reactions.

"This is the best day of my life!" Ryan screamed, bursting with happiness.

Hey guys, so this is the prologue for my new story! I hope you like it! The cast and playlist is before this one and if you have any musical or cast suggestions let me know and I might include them! The external link for every chapter will be the Spotify playlist but both playlist's links are listed below the playlist on the first part!

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts! ~Jess

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