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After partying hard and drinking plenty, Amelia and Ashton got a cab home because they wanted to go straight to Ashton's apartment around 1am. It was now 2am and Michael had left with a girl, going to her place to hook up. Calum and Ryan were left at the club by themselves, Calum completely sober and Ryan wasted. She was stumbling over feet, slurring her words and giggling constantly. Ryan had left Calum's side to go to the bathroom but came back with another tequila shot. She licked the salt off her hand and was about to down the shot before Calum appeared beside her and took it out of her hand. Instead, she bit on the lime to get rid of the salt in her mouth but quickly turned to Calum to pout.

"Cal, you stole my shot! Give it back." Ryan whined, crossing her arms over her chest and stomping her foot on the ground. She was pouting like an angry three-year-old which caused Calum to laugh at her. He put the shot on a table near him and grabbed Ryan's arm. He lightly tugged her so she would start walking with him towards the door. Ryan obeyed and followed him to the door, tripping over her feet a couple of times.

Calum tucked Ryan in the passenger seat of Ashton's car, which he took to drive everyone home but was left with only Ryan. He walked over to the driver's seat and got in, quickly starting the car and driving out of the club's parking lot. Calum quickly caught a glance at Ryan and she was starting to fall asleep, her eyes fluttering closed.

"Ry, don't fall asleep. We're almost home." Calum announced, reaching over and putting his hand on her cheek. Ryan sighed and opened her eyes more, grabbing Calum's hand and intertwining it with her's. Calum smiled and continued to hold her warm hand.

A couple of minutes later, they pulled into the Clifford's driveway. Calum brought the car to a halt and pulled his hand away from Ryan's. He walked out of the car and opened Ryan's door, reaching in to pull her out. He grabbed her waist with his left arm and pulled her right arm over his shoulders. Ryan stumbled a few times up the steps and Calum had to tighten his grip on her waist so she wouldn't fall over.

When they made it up to their room, Calum left Ryan standing in front of their closet while he went fishing for some pyjamas for her. He pulled out one of his t-shirts and little booty shorts for her to wear. He turned around and showed her the clothes but she just took the shirt. She pulled off her crop top and replaced it with Calum's shirt, taking her bra off underneath the very large shirt. She then took off her heels and shimmied out of her jeans; the shirt was long enough that it stretched down to her mid-thigh. She have the clothes to Calum, who put them in the laundry hamper, and she removed her watch, laying it down on her desk.

Ryan turned back to Calum and pouted, noticing he slipped into the bathroom to change. When he returned a couple of seconds later, he had taken off his clothes and put on a pair of boxers with his upper-body bare. Ryan giggled and poked at his abdomen, causing him to giggle as well. Calum swooped under Ryan and picked her up, placing her down steadily on the bed. He then walked around and slipped beneath the covers, causing Ryan to snuggle up to him. She was gripping his waist, resting her head on his chest. Calum wrapped his arm around Ryan's body and shifted his body to get comfortable.

"Goodnight, beautiful." Calum whispered, looking down at Ryan. She looked up and smiled, kissing his cheek.

"I love you, Cal." Ryan mumbled into Calum's chest. Calum cheekily smiled and played with Ryan's hair.

"I love you too, Ry."

Ryan woke up with the sun in her eyes. She stretched beside her, hoping to find Calum in the mess of sheets, but was disappointed when she felt an empty space. She frowned and got out of bed, only to be hit with a massive pounding feeling in her temples. She quickly sat back down on the bed, gripping her head and groaning at the sunlight that filled her room. She reached over to her night table and pulled a pair of black sunglasses onto her face. She slowly found her way up and went to shut the blinds, before retreating downstairs.

The Plan | l.r.hحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن