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Luke's POV

I didn't sleep last night. It seems I haven't been sleeping at all lately, but especially not last night. All I could think about was my public declaration of love for Ryan and her refusal to accept it. All she wanted was to keep that stupid pact. Fuck, I wish we never made that.

It was now 10:00a.m. and normally, whether I sleep or not, I will be up by no later than 9:00a.m., but this morning I have absolutely no motivation to get up. I know if I try to text or call Ryan, she won't answer, I can't talk to my parents because they will just get excited for nothing, and I have no friends to speak to, so bed it is then.

After what feels like hours, but in reality is only 15 minutes, my phone bings on the nightstand. I reach over to check it and am surprised by the text.

From Ryan☼


Quickly after reading it, another message pops up right below it.

From Ryan☼

I'm outside

I read the text and immediately scramble up out of my bed to look out my window, and to my surprise, there is Ryan's car on my driveway with her sitting inside it. I grab the nearest shirt and pants that are on my desk chair and throw them on as fast as possible, while simultaneously running downstairs to open the front door.

I throw the door open and Ryan has made her way to standing on the other side of it, a goofy grin on her face. "I woke you up, didn't I?"

"You can't really wake up someone who never went to sleep," I laugh before realizing her grin has quickly turned into a guilty look. "It's not your fau—"

"I like you!" She blurts out, interrupting me. I mentally stumble back for a second trying to process what she just said. My face probably indicates to her my confusion because she continues rambling: "I didn't want to admit it before because I was scared that you would fall too fast and I would let you down because I feel like I'm unable to love someone but I was thinking about it and I think we should—"

"Stop." I say, cutting her off. She looks at me, scared and tired at the same time. "Stop rambling, Ry. You don't need to explain yourself to me." I say, my exhaustion seeping through my words. I don't mean to come off curt but it's been a long night of analyzing every interaction we've had.

"Yes, I do. I've been giving you mixed signals. First, I tell you we should make a pact, then I flirt with you and act like you're my boyfriend, but then I yell at you when you've fallen in love with me. It's not fair to you." I let her finish this time because I feel like she's carefully picking her words and being very cautious of what she says. "That being said, I do like you. A lot. And if it were okay with you, will you be my boyfr—"

I couldn't wait any longer, I just wanted to kiss her. I pull her forward by her waist before she can finish her sentence, since I already know what she is going to say, and plant my lips on hers. I feel her arms slowly wrap around my neck and she pulls me even closer than we already are. Her lips move in sync with mine and it's the best kiss we've ever had. We both pull apart after a few minutes, gasping for air but smiling so big.

"I'll take that as a yes, then?" She asked, giggling to herself. Her hand has found it's way to my cheek and she is brushing it lovingly.

"I love you." I stare into her eyes, looking for her eyes to twitch or fall, but they don't. She holds the eye contact and just pecks my lips once more. She pulls herself off of my body and steps back a little, tying her hands behind her back.

"I'll see you tomorrow then for the wedding? 4'clock," she double-checked. I nodded and stared at her in awe as she waved goodbye, walking back to her car. I can't believe that girl is mine. Finally.

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