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Luke's POV

I drove Michael, Calum and I to Noah's house, but first we stopped by my house to grab my baseball bat and rope. We decided that Calum and I would beat the shit out of him, then tie him to a chair where Michael would use the bat. We walked up to his apartment and covered the eye whole with the bat, so he wouldn't see it was us.

Calum knocked and a few seconds later, I could hear heavy footsteps behind the door. I could feel the anger boiling inside of me while I was waiting for the bastard to open the door. After what felt like forever, Noah finally opened the door and a tall, muscular, tattoo-covered guy answered the door. Michael quickly hid the baseball bat behind him so Noah wouldn't see it.

"What?" He asked, annoyed. I could tell he was a little drunk because he was slurring his words and he had a beer bottle in his hands. This was going to be easy.

"Noah..." Michael said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, you're Ryan's brother, right? Matthew or something?"

"Michael. And this is Calum, Ryan's best friend. I'm Luke, her boyfriend." I informed the douche bag.

"Ryan doesn't have a boyfriend. Unless she did replace me, and lied to me about it." He challenged me, getting me even more pissed off than I already was.

"Shut the fuck up before I beat the shit out of you." I seethed. Calum sensed how pissed I was and grabbed onto my arm. Calm down Luke.

"Look, we just came here to talk. Can we come in?" Calum said, trying to get Noah to let us into his apartment. Noah nodded and opened the door, just wide enough for the three of us to slip in. Once we were inside, Noah closed the door behind us and I decided to put our plan into motion.

I turned around and threw a punch to Noah's jaw. He stumbled back and his beer bottle dropped to the floor. He quickly understood what was going on and ran at me. Calum jumped in front and punched him in the nose, sending him to the ground. Calum started to kick his ribs and I jumped on top of him. I repeatedly punched his face, him struggling to get out of my grip. Finally, Calum pulled me off of him and we tied up the almost-unconscious dickhead onto one of his kitchen chairs.

Calum and I stood next to a blood-covered Noah, to make sure he wouldn't go anywhere, while Michael was getting ready to beat him with the bat.

"Why the fuck are you doing this? I never did anything to you guys!" Noah choked out, sounding defeated.

"You didn't do anything to us but you did to Ryan. You raped her and you're going to pay." Michael seethed, gripping the baseball bat so hard his knuckles turned white. Noah looked up at Michael when he said 'rape' and he gave Michael a death look.

"She wouldn't fuck me so I just made it easier." He smirked, never breaking eye contact with Michael. Before I could realize what was going on, Calum was beating the shit out Noah again.

"How fucking dare you! You sick rapist!" Calum screamed as he continued to punch Noah. I finally decided to pull Calum back and brought him outside. I turned back and nodded to Michael to finish things, then stepped out the front door with a raging Calum.

I sat Calum down on the stairs and he rested his elbows on his knees, his hands covering his face. He started to cry into his palms and I just rubbed his back, trying to stop myself from crying too.

"I'm her best friend. I'm supposed to be there for her, no matter what." He sobbed, looking up to me with teary eyes.

"It's not your fault, Calum. There's nothing you could have done." I reassured him. But as I said this, I couldn't help but think how it may not be Calum's fault, but it's my fault. I brought her to Noah's house and I left her with him.

"It's not your fault either, Luke. Don't blame yourself." Calum said, as if reading my mind. After he said this, he wiped his face off and cleaned his hands on his jeans before standing up. I stood up with him and walked back into the apartment.

When Calum and I walked in, I saw Michael washing off the bat in the kitchen sink. I went to the living room, where Noah was, and saw him sitting in the chair, unconscious. My eyes widened, and I rushed back to Calum and Michael in the kitchen.

"You didn't kill him, right?" I asked, hoping he didn't.

"No, he deserves to rot in jail." Michael responded, keeping his eyes on the baseball bat that he was cleaning. "Let's get going. Ryan's probably waiting at the police station for us." He added, finally looking to up. Calum and I just silently nodded, deciding not to ask what went on while we were outside.

Ryan's POV

I just finished up with the police and I thanked them for everything they were doing. They asked a series of questions and filed a report for Noah's arrest and trial. Then we made an appointment at the local hospital to get physical evidence of the rape. I was to be there in about half an hour, and I hoped Luke, Calum and Michael would come with me.

When I walked out to the lobby, Michael, Calum and Luke were no where to be found. I was really confused, so I pulled out my phone and dialled Luke first, then Calum and then Michael. None of them picked up. I decided to wait until they come back, hoping they just went out for coffee or something.

About twenty minutes later, they finally came back and noticed I had been waiting for them.

"Where were you guys?" I asked, noticing their bloody hands. "And what the hell happened to your hands?" They all looked down sheepishly, as if they were children caught with a mouthful of cookies.

"We payed Noah a little visit." When Michael said this, my eyes went wide and I started to shake my head. My first thought was that they killed him, not that he didn't deserve it.

"You didn't..."

"No. We just made sure he would never come near you again." Calum reassured, realizing what I was thinking. I breathed a sigh of relief, not only that they didn't kill him but also that they defended me.

"Thank you, but please don't ever get yourselves in trouble for me again." I said, looking specifically at Luke who was standing in the back quietly. They all nodded and I filled them in on what happened with the cops. They all volunteered to come to the hospital with me and I graciously accepted.

When we got to the hospital, I was led into a room where a female doctor and some nurses examined me. It took about ten minutes, then they sent me back into the waiting room. When I came out, two police officers went in and talked with the doctors. Another half hour later, a female police officer pulled me aside and informed me on what was going on.

"Well, it appears that the tests came back and the results are positive for rape. I'm so sorry, Ryan. But rape is a serious crime and we do intend to arrest and prosecute Noah Walker. With your permission, we would like to arrest him immediately and get him behind bars as soon as possible." I found myself quickly nodding, wanting him behind bars for the rest of his life. "Okay. We will get this done as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation." I shook her hand and went back to the boys, who were patiently waiting.

"So, what's happening?" Luke asked, concerned. It was sweet that he cared so much.

"They're going to arrest Noah." I said, tears burning the back of my eyes.

"This will all be over soon, Ry." Calum said, comforting me. Michael quickly pulled me into a hug, seeing that I was going to start crying. What did I do to deserve these boys?

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