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Ryan's POV

It was the following Saturday and I woke up at 11:00a.m. to get ready for the wedding. I slept in super late this morning to catch up on sleep I lost waking up for work during the week and also from staying up late last night with Calum and Michael.

I looked over next to me and saw that Calum was gone but I didn't question it because it was super late in the morning. I sat up and walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth, floss, wash my face and throw my hair into a ponytail. I will properly get ready around 1p.m. but until then I'll just relax.

I stayed in my pyjamas and walked downstairs to pour myself some cereal that I will eat on the couch in front of the TV. I went to the cabinet to grab my Cheerios when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and hugged me from behind. I didn't recognize the arms as Calum's and froze from the unknown person that was clinging to my body. I felt wet lips on the side of my neck and got a side view of blonde hair, immediately knowing who it was.

I pulled out of his grasp and slapped the side of Luke's shoulder. "What the hell are you doing here? You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled at him while he just laughed at me.

"You seemed to enjoy it for someone who was so scared." He teased, pulling me into his body. "Calum and Michael let me in five minutes ago as they were leaving. They went to get coffee and breakfast," he mumbled while pulling me closer to kiss me. Before he could though, I put a finger to his lips and pushed him away, scowling at him.

"Don't you have 'best man duties' to do this morning?" I asked, thinking of what his mom said last weekend about today's schedule.

"I did most of them this morning; I was up super early. All that's left to do is show up with my girl and my speech, ready to stand by my brother on his big day." He grinned, childishly, in my direction.

"Mmh, your girl, huh?" I asked, mostly to myself, liking the sound of it. "Anyways, I was just about to watch TV and then get ready for the wedding."

"Well, don't let me distract you, then. I just wanted to see you before 4. Bye." He quickly pecked my lips, and turned out of the kitchen to let himself out.

"Uh... bye!" I called, before he slammed the front door shut. I can't tell if I thought that was cute or odd.

By the time the movie finished, it was 1:30 and I had to go get ready for the wedding. I cleaned up my breakfast and lugged my tired body up the stairs to my bedroom. 

I pulled out the dress I bought with Luke and put it on my bed, setting my chunky burgundy heels on the floor underneath it and my black clutch with it as well

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I pulled out the dress I bought with Luke and put it on my bed, setting my chunky burgundy heels on the floor underneath it and my black clutch with it as well. I then went to my bathroom and began working on my hair. I collected all of it at the bottom and flipped it over, beginning to wrap it up in bobby pins to form a low bun. It took me the better part of an hour to do it, but when I was done, I finished it off with a big leaf hair-pin to add decoration. I then pulled out a few pieces at the bottom and loosened it up at the top to complete my hair. One of the many perks of being a hairdresser was always having really nice hair.

Next up was my nails. I pulled out my matte black nails polish and nail file, and went to work. I gave myself a mini manicure by filing down my acrylic nails into the coffin shape and then swiped on a few layers of the matte shade. I let them dry beneath my blowdryer for a few minutes and then they were perfectly dry.

Lastly, was my makeup. I quickly cleansed and moisturized my skin before I began, so as to create a clean working space. I put on one a thin layer of foundation with a beauty sponge, followed by concealer to cover my blemishes and under eye circles. I then proceeded to swipe on contour, blush and bronzer to bring back warmth to my ghost-like complexion. Next, I filled in my brows, did a simple nude smokey eye, added lashes, and highlighted the high points of my face. I then sprayed three generous sprits of setting spray to give myself a dewy look. The last step was to add my nude lipstick and then I was ready to go to a wedding.

I looked at myself in the mirror and was content with my makeup and hair. I walked into my room and saw that it was 3:45p.m., meaning Luke would be here in 15 minutes. I quickly put on my dress and heels, and walked over to my jewelry drawer to slip on my many rings. I looked at my reflection in the full mirror in my room and was very happy with how I looked.

Just then, I heard the doorbell ring and turned my head toward my door. Luke was here. I grabbed my clutch from my bed, putting in my phone and lipstick for emergencies, and went down the stairs to meet Luke.

As I neared the bottom of the stairs, I heard my mom and Luke talking. Suddenly their voices stopped, and I saw Luke. He looked so handsome in his suit. He cleared his throat and looked down to stop staring at me.

"U-um... wow, okay, you're stunning." He said, looking back up to meet my gaze.

"Thank you, you look very handsome, too." I said, blushing. "Ready to go?" I asked, going to the bottom of the stairs. Luke nodded, reaching for my hand and intertwining our fingers.

My mom noticed this and asked, "are you two official now?" I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face when Luke responded, "yes we are! Isn't it great?" He was so cheeky, and that was one of the many things I adored about him.

"That's great! Oh, I'm so happy." My mom responded, a huge smile plastered on her face. "Anyways, you two need to get going before you're late. Congratulations, though!" She finished, pushing us out the door. When it closed behind us, I looked at Luke and we both started laughing. We walked to the car and Luke opened the passenger door for me. I slid in and he ran over to the driver's side, getting in and turning quickly to me.

"Seriously, though, you look amazing. You're perfect." He said, leaning in to kiss me. Before he connected our lips, he whispered "I love you." That made the kiss so much better, knowing he loved me. When he pulled away, he gave me a big smile and turned to drive us to the wedding. This was going to be a fun night, for sure!

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