Chapter 1

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Hollie pushed her boyfriend, Nick's arm from her bare waist and sat up carefully as to not wake him. She quickly and quietly grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of sweat-shorts from the floor and made her way to the bathroom.

Fiona was standing in front of the mirror, yet to notice her presence so she lightly knocked on the open door and grabbed her toothbrush from the shelf.

"You want me to get the boys up while you wake up Debs?" Hollie asked, spitting toothpaste into the sink.

"Please," Fiona replied and then exited the bathroom.

Hollie finished brushing her teeth and ran a hand through her light brown hair, trying to neaten it up a touch.

She knocked on the door of the boy's room and walked inside, "7:15 guys, come on." She said as she reached up onto the high sleeper to shake Lip's leg to wake him.

She grabbed some laundry from the floor and shoved it into the laundry basket in the hallway.

"First shower!" Ian called from behind her.

"You had it yesterday." She heard Lip argue as the pair raced to the bathroom and lip slammed his hands against the door when Ian beat him to it. "Fuck."

She re-entered her bedroom to find an outfit and got dressed. Behind her, Nick remained asleep and lying on his stomach, Hollie sat down next to him and ran her hand up and down his arm to wake him. "Babe, wake up, it's 7:15"

Nick tiredly rolled onto his back with a yawn, "7:15?" He asked groggily.

"Yeah, so you need to get up." She smiled and stood again but he pulled her back by her hips. He pulled her into him so that their faces were inches apart, "you forgot something." He whispered.

She rolled her eyes and pecked him on the lips, she stood up from the bed and left him to get dressed. "Get up, sleepyhead." She called over her shoulder.

When Hollie entered the kitchen Debbie and Lip were sitting at the table having breakfast while Fiona cursed about something on the calendar.

Fiona grabbed a letter from the corkboard and placed it on the table beside an old empty cereal box, "Electric." She told them. She took the almost empty carton of milk off of the table and topped it up with water.

"Coming through," Ian said as he came down the stairs with Carl on his back. The kids passed the box around the table after paying in what they could. Hollie grabbed her purse from its hiding place above the cupboard and grabbed some money from inside.

Nick came down the stairs, dressed for the day and went to put a few bills into the money box before Hollie stopped him by pushing his arm away.

"Don't you dare" She said as she added her money to the box.

Nick rolled his eyes, "I practically live here, it's only fair that I pay my way." He said, trying to convince her to let him help them with the bills, but like every time he had tried before Hollie refused to let him.

He already helped them so much that Hollie would feel bad if she let him pay towards the bills too.

"Not happening." She said stubbornly.

Nick raised his arms in surrender, "fine, have it your way." But when she wasn't looking he put the money in the box anyways and raised a finger to his lips to signal the others to stay quiet. He then busied himself with getting ready for work.

While Fiona turned Carl's shirt inside out to hide the stains Ian turned to face Hollie and pulled something out of his pocket, "Oh, um. Field trip. Need dad's signature." He handed her a permission slip so she could forge the signature.

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