☞︎ Chapter Four ☜︎

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TW: Swears

"Hello, Ladies, Gentlemen and everyone in or outside that spectrum!", Lucy said happily to her chat. She knew the numbers of her viewers have risen a lot, but she didn't look at them too closely. Of yourse she was happy, but she knew how easy people get the number sickness and only look for the things that bring the most views.

"Today we are onto Minecraft!", she smiled, logging into the Dream SMP. It was only to wonder how she never heard of it or the people in it before.

Though after being invited she spent her time binge-watching any and every stream she could find in full length. It took one or two all nighters, but at the end it was entertainment.

Not forgetting about the small research she did on the members and everyone she had met, mostly focused on their birthdays, not wanting to forget anyone's.

She changed to the gaming screen, showing a few walls built around her. "Hello", Dream greeted, shifting infront of her. "Hi", Fundy said, doing the same thing.

"Fundy will tour you around, but I am very sure that Wilbur isn't to far away, I'm gonna go now, I've got things to prepare", Dream said, immediatly leaving the VC.

"Dream was right, I am here", Wilbur announced himself, pausing before quickly inquiring, "Out of completely unrelated matter what do you think about free countries?"

"They are pretty awesome, I'd say", she answered. "You wanna join one?"

"Meh, I think I'll pass actually, but feel free to recruit me personally if you need any help with something specific.", Lucy said.

"What? Are you Switzerland?", Fundy joked. "Listen, just because your human dad had a furry trans child with a salmon, does not mean that staying neutral turns me into a country, though that does sound cool."

"Who told you I was a furry?", Fundy groaned. "Nobody had to tell me, beside you just admitting to it, I do my homework", Lucy chuckled. "Dammit, you're good", he whispered.

"I just wanna remind you that you need to tour me around... Incase you have forgotten about that being blended by my awesomeness?"

What can you say? From time to time Lucy was extraordinarily confident. The other times, she was insecure. Why? She had no clue and she was not down to find out.

"Well, yes... wait no?", Fundy paused. "Damn I can hear those old rusty gears in that head of yours turning.", she joked.

"I can't tell whether you two are gonna end up as siblings, best friends or lovers", Wilbur commented. "Thank you?", both said unsure what an appropriate reaction would be.

Lucy was eager to find out everything about this server. She did learn a lot, there was one big house, in the middle of a lake, called the 'Community house', not too far away was a house which belonged to Alyssa. Not much was built just yet. Considering that there were 14 people on the server, Lucy expected more builds, but most people seemed to live in or near two hotspots: The Community house and L'Manberg.

She certainly had no plans to stay anywhere close. At least not fully.

Her character, which she wrote out with a little help from Wilbur, at all times avoided being dependent on others, though she would never miss a chance to help people.

"That was everything, I think.", Fundy concluded.

"Any clue where you wanna stay yet?", Fundy asked, desperately trying to have a conversation, since it got quiet after Wilbur left.

"I think I will stay not too far away... I don't know just I am visualising a small home, actually I think I have an idea, could you help me?", Lucy tried just as desperate.

"Yeah sure, what do you need?", he asked.

"Patience and an absence of mood swings in my life", Lucy joked, "No, I need directions and an axe. Where's the next spruce forest?"

"I could just give you spruce wood or whatever of spruce you need?", Fundy suggested. "Listen, as nice as that is, I do not like taking what's yours other than your time and brain cells.", she said, half sternly, with a small hint of humor.

"Well then", Fundy chuckled, "follow me!"

Both spent most time laughing and cracking jokes, while chopping down trees.

"I think that should be enough... I already have an idea where to build, do you think I could settle on the hill behind Tommy's house? Roundabout where Wilbur's little ball was? Or is? I don't know, you know what I mean.", Lucy questioned, getting frustrated with herself as she didn't find a good way to form her sentences grammatically.

"Yeah, surely you can settle there, nobody's gonna stop you.", Fundy answered.

She built just a little cabin, one that she declared as her 'Standard-go-to'-cabin. It was enough so she could comfortably live for a long, long time without having space issues, though it was plain enough to be built in 10 minutes time, not very ressourceful and just a little thing until she had an idea to build something unique and specific.

She really enjoyed building, though she cared most about aesthetic. Actually being abled to live in there was secondary. The first impression counts, as people like to say.

"This looks very medieval.", he commented. "Good, it's supposed to. Also medieval is an interesting time era, has its weird, but fascinating flaire to it, besides my knowledge about people shitting into the toilets and it just falling down to a small containment where they would gather and only sometimes empty it... Sorry I'm rambling, I do that way too often... I'm gonna stop myself.", Lucy said.

"You did nothing wrong, no need to apologise, it's alright.", Fundy reassured her, chuckling slighty, "I don't get your liking for the medieval and the toilet thing absolutely did not change my disliking for that time period..."

"Well what era interests you?", she wanted to know.

"I don't know?! Right now?" "Good point.", she chuckled.

"Where do you live?", Lucy wanted to see if Fundy was a guy who cared about the aesthetic or the functionality.

"The Netherlands", he answered. She stayed silent, slightly confused. "No I meant in Minecraft, here on this server, not irl, sorry I am not the best with wording stuff, always leaves confusion."

"Still no need to apologise. Just follow me, I'll show you!", Fundy laughed slightly.

He led her to a tower. Though the outside looked like it was andesite, diorite, granite and dirt scrambled together, the inside actually looked like a cozy home.

It brought a small smile to Lucy's face. "I'm gonna be honest I lost my faith in humanity when I saw the outside, but the inside looks very comfortable."

"Oh, believe me, you'll loose your faith in humanity in no time on this server.", he laughed. "I'll take that as a challenge not to."

The Furry and The Bird {fundy x oc}Where stories live. Discover now