☞︎ Chapter Seven ☜︎

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TW: coma, car crash, description of injuries, death, bad parent

Lucy jolted awake, accidentally hitting her head to the doctor's, who was examining her.

She slowly calmed down from the panic. A nurse helping her to ease her nerves.

"Well, hello.", the doctor said, smiling tight-lipped, "You're awake."

"What happened?", Lucy asked, her eyes slowly focusing on the doctor.

"You were in a coma the past five days. You were in a car crash, you only had light injuries.", she opened the file, "You have a concussion, a few cuts on your head from glass shards, nothing deep. Everything will turn out fine, we didn't need to perform surgeries, so you will walk out of here in just a few days with nothing more than a slightly aching body and wounds, which will heal without leaving any scars or further damage."

Lucy nodded and the doctor walked out. "Do you want me to inform your parents? They sure will be here in no time.", the nurse asked Lucy. She just nodded, laying back into the hospital bed. 

It only took about a minute or two before Andreas, Lucy's father, stormed in. He looked like he hadn't slept the five days and replaced his sleep with crying. She has never seen her Dad like this. The last she saw him this distraught was a few years ago already.

At least it was happy tears that fell out of his eyes now.

Lucy force-smiled lightly, as well as she could with her aching body. "I'm so happy you're awake, I couldn't have handled loosing you. I could have never, you're my kid and I don't feel like I have supported you enough yet. Though you are already a beautiful indipendent person. And I love you. You're amazing, but still I feel like I haven't done enough for you. I didn't want you to die before me.", he took a deep breath, stopping his rambling. Lucy interrupted him, as he wanted to continue. Both of them thinking about two other people he blamed himself for 'failing' them.

"Papa, you've done enough, you've always been there for me and I am still here. There's nothing to worry about.", Lucy reassured him.

"What if I don't-", her father's whisper, she barely took note of, was cut off by her mother quickly walking in, hugging Lucy.

"I am so glad you are okay.", her mother said, looking way better than her father. She looked like she actually slept and took care of herself. Lucy didn't judge either of them for what they did or didn't do.

Her mind quickly flashed blank as one thought came back. "Is Caroline okay? Can I see her?"

Her parents stared blankly at each other. Her mother shook her head, staring at Andreas, him copying the gesture and sighing.

Ho looked up at her, his eyes still glossy. "She didn't make it. The EMTs told us she was dead on impact... I'm sorry, Luce.", he said, her mother scoffed, in disbelief he told her, though they had agreed to not tell her. 

"You're going to be fine, she was a bad influence anyway, she is a lesbian after all.", Lucy and Andreas both stared at a person they loved. Faces blank in doubt she actually said that.

"What? Those are my thoughts.", she looked on her watch, "I need to get back to work. Very happy you are okay.", she smiled at her daughter, quickly leaving the room.

Her father shook his head clear, while Lucy still stared at the spot her mother was standing at just a second ago.

"The doctor said he will do another check-up tomorrow morning and from the way it look now you will be out of the hospital in maximum a week, minimum tomorrow.", he said looking at her intensily. He cleared his throat before saying: "Look I am really sorry about your mother. I don't know what she is talking about, Caroline was a great person and I know she wasn't a bad influence. She helped you find yourself more than anybody else did. She did you good. I am very sorry for you."

Lucy shut her eyes. It was too much for her brain. It gave her a headache. To her Caroline is a good person to everyone else she was

Her breath hitched. "When is the funeral gonna be?", she whispered. "It already was two days ago, I'm sorry, we can visit it if you want, once you're out of here.", her father whispered back.

Lucy shook her head, it would become real if she saw Caroline's grave. She didn't want it to become real.

Andreas nodded, "I know this isn't going to be easy, I want you to know that I'll be here, for you, all the time. I am going to make any time I can if you want to talk. I don't want you to end like any of your brothers did and we both know that you at least have to pretend you're okay, for your mother.", he said as he spoke.

Lucy's heart breaking another time as he mentioned her brothers. She missed them so much.

Her father padded her shoulder lightly, in hope to not hurt her physically. She already has enough emotional pain to go through. "I miss them too", he whispered, holding back tears, "I brought you some stuff here... I know you love your phone very much so I have brought you that, don't tell your mother. She will kick me out.", he chuckled, in tears.

Lucy wanted to chuckle but she couldn't, she couldn't even bear to smile. She just nodded, slowly taking the phone out of her father's hand.

"I'm very thankful I have you.", she whispered, shedding another tear. "I am just as thankful.", Andreas whispered back, stroking Lucy's hair slightly.

A nurse came in, knocking on the door frame to let them know she was there. "I'm afraid, but Sir I need you to leave, the patient needs sleep.", she said quietly.

Andreas nodded, quickly planting a kiss on Lucy's hairline before leaving the room. "I will be here for the night shift, if you need anything, let me know.", the nurse said now a little bit louder. Lucy forced a smile and nodded, sinking into her bed, relaxing her body.

Only now realising how much she hated hospitals.

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