☞︎ Chapter Nine ☜︎

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TW: swears

Lucy was sitting on her bed, it had been nearly 30 hours... in which she hadn't slept.

The thoughts of her friends crossed her minds. She knew she had to talk to them. She hadn't done that in nearly a whole week.

It took Lucy a lot of effort to leave the comfort of her bed and get to her PC.

She stared at the call button, not moving. She didn't want to, but she had to.

Niki was the first to pick up in the matter of less than a second, Fundy needed nearly two seconds and Wilbur joined after a little more than four seconds.

They bombarded her with question.

"Where have you been?"

"Why haven't you answered?"

"What's going on?"

She sighed, making the other three go quiet. "Short version: I was in the hospital, i'm quite okay, just a concussion, but I'll take some time off streaming...", Lucy wanted to tell them the whole story, but if she did, it would mean she accepted that Caroline is dead, and she wasn't about to do that.

"Are you sure you're alright? You sound very tired.", Niki carefully mentioned.

"I'm fine, really," Lucy assured with slightly gritted teeth. Physically at least, she added in her mind.

"Okay, do you need us to do anything?", Wilbur asked.

"Actually, could you guys make sure that this doesn't get on social media, except the stuff I've said myself on my accounts?"

They were all quick to agree and since Lucy had nothing else to say, they left. Wilbur and Niki at least.

Lucy only realised Fundy was still in the call when he cleared his throat.

"I forgot you were still here, sorry.", she quickly apologised, not knowing what for.

"No need to apologise, but are you completely sure you're fine? Because you don't sound fine."

"I am fine, I promise"

"Okay, if you need anything, just call me, alright?", Fundy said, sendind her his number.

"Fundy, I don't need your help. Alright? I am fine on my own, right now in this second, I am fine! If I were to have issues, I could resolve them myself! I am fucking 18 years old."

Lucy wasn't happy, right now she was angry. Very angry. At herself.

She needed that anger to go somewhere, because being mad at herself won't let the anger out and that's what she needed right now.

If it weren't for her bad impulse control she wouldn't have yelled at Fundy, but right that second. It felt good.

"Alright, sorry", Fundy muttured, leaving the call.

The Furry and The Bird {fundy x oc}Where stories live. Discover now