☞︎ Chapter Twelve ☜︎

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TW: swears

Lucy was dissociating and deep in thought, when her phone screen lit up with a direct message from Niki.

She just stared at her phone, ignoring the temptation, but giving in. With a deep breath, She picked her phone up to read the message.

Hey, Duck, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out?

Sure, whenever you're free, I am not busy considering I am not really into streaming and overall doing absolutely fucking nothing...

awh :(
Are you free right now?

Lucy hesitated, but she knew being alone does her less good than talking to friends even if it made her very tired and exhausted afterwards, at least she had done something, so forced herself to agree.

Yeah sure

She walked to her PC, booting it up, putting on her headset. She sighed one more time before she accepted the second incoming call from Niki.

"Hello!", Niki cheered. "Hi", Lucy answered somewhat trying to match her energy.

"What do you wanna do?", Lucy asked. "Basically I just want to see how you're doing, but if you want to I'd be down for a bit bedwars.", Niki answered brutally honest.

"You know it's one of the better days... I dissociate a lot, other than it might get better, but I don't wanna jinx anything..."

"That's really nice to hear! Would you be down for Hypixel bedwars too?", Niki beamed.

"Yeah, sure", Lucy answered a little more neutral, maybe even a little happy.

They both logged on, deciding to just play 4x2.

"I'm just gonna attack right away, Niki can you do bed defence?", Lucy announced, taking the lead.

"Of course", Niki mumbled, trying to concentrate on her game instead of the question she was going to ask shortly.

Lucy was already on her way to Blue, very easily fighting off one red player in mid.

It didn't take long before she reached the Blue island and already killed the one person visible on there.

The bed, which was loosely protected with wool, was broken fast and the second player coming from middle jumped down to her, nearly killing her, but in the end loosing to Lucy's lucky moments.

"Well that was quick", she said before the one Blue person, that she had killed right before she destroyed the bed, killed her, not leaving her much time to react.

"That was quick too", Niki laughed, dragging Lucy into laughter as well.

Sadly they didn't win, but second place was a place too and good enough.

"Niceeee! Niki, do you wanna play a second round?"

"No, but I have a question for you.", Niki got slightly nervous. It made her anxious that she would have to deal with the social awkwardness.

Lucy got very quiet in the matter of milliseconds. Her head was speeding with thoughts, possible questions she could ask, the answers which would fit to those questions. She hummed in approval, "Go ahead."

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up? You know like two weeks to us girls?", Niki made sure to make it look like she didn't tell just half the truth.

Lucy quickly thought what she had to loose. A miserable life in depression and panic attacks with dark thoughts and tendencies. She would rather hang with Niki. She would still be down and depressed, but she should give it a try.

"I'm in."

Niki sighed. "Okay, could you look for flights to Brighton around the second August or first? Just no later than the third."

"Wait does this have to do with my birthday?", Lucy realised. "I hope I don't sound mean, but when was your birthday? I think I would remember if you said it.", Niki stated.

"I have never said it but the forth August. I'd turn 19", Lucy admitted. "Wait, we can look for other dates. I am sure you'd want to spend your 19th birthday with your family..."

"No, it's alright, my mum forgot my birthday last year already and dad surely won't mind, the rest of my family just calls..." "You sure?", Niki asked. "Yeah, it will be fine. I never had a birthday away from home... It would be cool to have something new... Will anyone else be there?"

"As far as I know, no", Niki said, Lucy not even trying to analyze her tone, because she was still busy internally scolding herself for a dumb question like that, it probably made her sound like she desperatly longed to see someone.

"Actually Niki, I'll go now and eat something, was nice hanging with you!", Lucy said pretty quickly, since it was really awkward to her now.

"Alright, do that, we'll hear from each other" "We will!", Lucy assured fast, before hanging up and taking a deep breath.

Maybe eating something was actually a good idea...

As Lucy found herself making noodles at midnight, her dad walked in. "Hello, nice to see you out of your room and making food... for yourself, hopefully.", he said. To some he might have sounded offensive, but his tone was so loving and caring, Lucy knew his words had no intention of hurting her.

She smiled up at him. He stood at 6 feet tall, while she was barely 5'7''. She ruffled through his black hair, which at some points was already receeding and turning grey.

"Yeah, I was calling with a friend and wanted to get out of there because of-", she looked up from the pot to her father who was still standing at her side, "let's say an awkward situation... And I said, I'd make food and I was hungry and I hung up and then realised I was actually hungry and decided I should rather make something decent...", Lucy rambled, "What are you doing here?"

"Are those noodles enough for two people?", he said. "Probably, you're the one that knows that kinda stuff... I don't."

"That'll surely be enough for two people... I should really teach you how to measure food...", Andreas set as mental note to himself.

As they sat together, Lucy broke the freshly made plans to her dad. "I will be away for my birthday, I'll be meeting Niki in England. I hope that's okay."

He smiled at her, "Of course that's fine. Do you need help finding any tickets?"

"It would be absolutely epic if you could help me."

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