☞︎ Chapter Thirteen ☜︎

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TW: swears

"C'mon let me drive you to the airport. You can choose the music!", her dad argued.

"Papa, please. I already told you cars make me nervous!", Lucy argued back.

"I will drive you the three minutes to the train station at least.", he told her. Not waiting for a response, he got into the car.

She followed, muttering: "Only because it's you."

"Then I am very glad to be myself", Andreas smiled. "Do that", she joked.


"Thanks dad, you really didn't have to.", she said, hugging him goodbye.

"Then I have a question you can make it up to me with", her father said, rather sternly, surprising to her. Lucy nodded, a sign for him to go ahead.

"Remember what I made you promise to your 12th birthday?" Lucy nodded again "Do you like Niki that way?"

"No. I don't, but I might introduce you to someone else.", Lucy smiled. Andreas smiled back, knowing what she just implied. "I hope I will meet h- them, soon."

Lucy smiled even wider at his correction. She was forced to let go as her train rolled in.

"I will see you in two weeks as my newly 19 year old kid! Have fun.", he waved at her figure walking on the train. He didn't stop waving until the train vanished into a small point. He sighed at how fast his little baby girl became an adult.

Then he smiled. How much she is the kid, she never got to be while she could. Even if she's 19 soon.

He couldn't stop thinking about how she was living like a kid and how happy it made her.


Lucy looked up and smiled while the speakers on the train announced "Brighton Point".

She had slept the whole plane flight, because flying was relaxing to her. You had enough people talking or making sounds, but no one was making obnoxiously loud sounds, unless there were small children...

She got her stuff together, packing away the things she had gotten out of her backpack.

The train stopped and she got out, searching for the blond haired Niki. Hoping to find her easily, even though she was small.

It was not quite hard to find her, opposed to what Lucy expected, Niki was accompanied by a 6'5'' giant.

She ran towards them. "Wilbur what are you doing here?", she smiled. "Surprise! I hope it's a good one!"

"Yeah, I just haven't prepared myself for spending two weeks with more than one person, but I will do that if you're gonna stay.", Lucy was jumping like a rubber ball on the inside. She was more than excited to see Wilbur.

Niki and Wilbur just shared knowing glances, for just a small second before Wibur carried on. "Well! The apartment is not too far, I hope you can carry your suitcase for ten minutes through Brighton?", he waited just a little, right before Lucy wanted to answer in the affirmative, he said, "Just joking I will carry it, as the gentleman I am."

"What did you sniff today? You're way too cheery", Lucy wondered. "Nothing", he said so fast that Lucy slowly got suspicious of what Niki and Wilbur thought was more than obvious, considering they made nearly no effort to hide what they were gonna do.

Wilbur walked away through the doors. "So this does have to do with tomorrow?", Lucy wanted to know.

"Mayyybeeee", Niki dragged out. "You're a pretty bad liar you know that, right?" "I am well aware, but we should catch up to Will because otherwise we will loose him..."

Lucy snapped her head around to where Wilbur was just a second ago. "Fuck, you're right"

They both hurried after him, not very quickly catching up, but Wilbur was hard to loose in a crowd.

"This is the thing", Wilbur said, pointing at house. "It's a good thing", Lucy said still out of breath. "I own the thing", he told them, like they didn't know. Niki took a deep breath. "The thing is really cosy"

Lucy smiled and gave a thumbs up, "The thing.", she half-laughed, while Wilbur let them into his apartment.

"I hope it's alright that you sleep with Niki in one room. It's only one one-person-bed, but I prepared another mattress, unless you and Niki want to cuddle up on 90 cm.", Wilbur mentioned basically randomly as he walked to the door and put Lucy's suitcase down.

"I'll take the spare mattress then, Niki is cool, she deserves the bed.", Lucy smiled at the smaller girl. "I see, Duck, I see", Wilbur said, playing hurt.

"Please call me Lucy in person. It's weird if you call me Duck."

"Wait your name is Lucy?", Wilbur asked. "No. I just randomly thought of it, you know?", the trio laughed.

"C'mon it's late. I wanna go to sleep tomorrow is gonna be a hard day.", Niki said. "Oooh! What is planned?", Lucy asked excited. "We just planned beach and then a few movies or something?"

"Very nice!", Lucy said, completely forgetting the suspicion she had earlier or the knowledge that tomorrow was her birthday.

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