☞︎ Chapter Ten ☜︎

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TW: suicide/suicidal thoughts

Fundy was sitting on his bed. His legs were crossed and his mind was deep in thoughts.

Duck wasn't okay, but the way she snapped at him yesterday made him afraid to ask again.

He slowly walked over to his PC. With a very stupid idea in mind.

But maybe it was worth a shot...

"Hello my little champion", Wilbur's british voice rang through.

"Hey Wilbur. I have a very stupid idea and I need to know if it's stupid enough to actually try out. Are you streaming?", Fundy quickly said.

"No I am not streaming... But I will gladly listen to your idea.", Wilbur was interested.

"Okay, you know how Duck is like really damn sad?", Wilbur hummed in approval. "and she says she's okay?", he hummed again.

"And the way she gets really really angry if you ask her to promise you she's gonna tell you if she needs anything?", Fundy played with his fingers. "I didn't know about that, when did that happen?", Wilbur wanted to know, trying to hide a grin.

Fundy sighed and answered nervously: "Yesterday after you left... I knew she wasn't doing well, she literally admitted to it and five minutes later she yelled at me about how okay she was and how she didn't need any help. And even the first time she said it, she was already passive aggressive."

"Yeah you're right... What did you tell her again?", Wilbur asked, somehow sounding a little bit cheery and obviously failing at hiding the grin playing on his lips.

"I sent her my number and asked her to tell me if she needs anything and she just muttered something like 'Okay', but she didn't sound happy and so I asked her again and she snapped at me and basically yelled at me about how she doesn't need help, especially not mine, and if she were to have issues she could resolve them herself. I probably pressured her too much, didn't I? Fuck...", Fundy rambled, panicking slightly.

"M-hm", Wilbur hummed, the smirk on his face getting wider, "Fundy, you fell for her, didn't you?"

"Huh? No! She's a friend. I don't like her that way...", Fundy answered so fast, because he knew this was gonna come, especially from Wilbur. "What ever you say..."


Shortly after he planned everything out with Wilbur, he was lost in his thoughts. What if she is really fine and I am just misreading this? Wh-

His thoughts were disrupted by his phone ringing, her name standing at the top. Hesitentantly, he accepted. Before he could speak he heard soft sniffles from her side as she began to ramble.

"Fundy... I-I am so sorry... I shou-shouldn't've snapped at you... I don't want to gleave anyone on bad t-terms...", she cried quietly.

"leave on bad terms?", Fundy frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I can't do it! It's all my fault! Why her? Why not me?!", she yelled again, but this time not at Fundy, more at herself.

"Duck you're talking absolute nonsense right now... What's going on?", he asked.

She stayed silent for a few seconds, only little whimpers were audible, thinking about how to say it, without saying it. Fundy started pacing around the room, a habit of nervousness. "I promise I'll make the sunsets pretty...", Duck whispered, barely loud enough for Fundy to hear. She absolutely was not okay.

In that moment it clicked in his head and he stopped in his tracks, for one second before his mind processed and he started talking. "Duck, please no. Do not. I don't know why you would want to do that, but please you are a wonderful and funny person and you will never get to see the person you will become.", Fundy started to pace around his room, as he grew more and more concerned. Duck just sniffled quietly.

"If you can't live for yourself, live for me... a-and Wilbur and Niki... We all need you... In the few days I have known you, I already grew close to you. Don't leave me hanging.", Fundy said, sitting down with his back to his bed, leaning against it, his leg bouncing. He desperately hoped he didn't sound like an asshole right now.

"I don't know when or where you met Wilbur, but think about the fun you already had with all of us and the Dream SMP Members... Life may sound like shit now, but at least give it a chance to get better? Please? I don't want to loose you because you do mean a lot to me.", Fundy just now realised he also began to cry slightly and his voice broke every now and then.

Duck was stunned. "I... mean something to you?", she asked with a very weak voice.

Fundy took a deep breath before he answered: "Yes, yes you mean something to me. You mean a lot to me."

"I'm sorry", Duck said, "I don't want to go"

"Then don't...", Fundy took another deep breath, Duck didn't need two people in tears right now. "Where are you?", he asked calmly.

"Bathroom", Duck said, her voice breaking again.

"Is there anything in your hand besides your phone or any... uh... items of comfort?", he inquired.

"Yes... No... not anymore... I put them away", she answered. It didn't take a Sherlock to figure out what she meant with 'them'.

Fundy nodded, fully aware she couldn't see it. "Alright... Are you tired? Do you wanna go to sleep?"

Duck quickly looked onto the time, before responding: "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea now..."

"Good, then go to bed." "Can you stay on the call?", she asked shyly, before sniffling again. "I had no intentions of leaving", he smiled slightly, Lucy wanting to smile too, but other than feeling a little warmth spread in her, not being abled to move the muscles to smile.

"I have to code some things, I'm gonna mute myself so you don't hear my keyboard, but I will stay on call, I promise", she just nodded before realising he couldn't see her. "Yeah, good night."

Fundy turned on his camera, showing him sitting at his desk now. Headset on his shoulders, the screen light softly illuminating his rather pale skin. Lucy just observed him, his jawline clearly visible. His phone was leaned against his monitor making Lucy feel small, because it made him look taller. She took note of his white strands in his hair, she had found out it was a skin condition, but it looked cool on him. 

"Good night, have a good sleep", he smiled, breaking the trance she was in, before muting himself.

She debated whether she should turn on her camera too, but she knew she wasn't looking the best, so she quickly shut her eyes, cuddling herself closer into the embrace of her warm bed. Falling asleep very quickly, given how exhausted she was.

The Furry and The Bird {fundy x oc}Where stories live. Discover now