☞︎ Chapter Twentyone ☜︎

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TW: death

The mood was pressed. Lucy walked to the front of all the people that had gathered.

Slowly she unfolded the notes she had written, realising she was barely abled to read them through her with tears clouded eyes.

"Andreas was something different to all of us. To some he was a brother, to others a son or an uncle. To me he was a father. We all can agree to one thing", she sniffed, gathering herself, turning off her emotions just a little, "He was a good person. He was the best parent I could have dreamt of. He helped me with every dream I had and supported me always, even if I was being foolish."

Lucy's eyes scanned the room.

"My father was someone who always had the best dad-jokes, was always optimistic and was never afraid to help. He was there for all of us, all of the time. And we were here for him, when he needed us. Andreas never questioned,l he believed we did our best at all times."

She couldn't help but look up at Floris, who was sitting in the far back.

"It will be hard to let him go and accept that the memories of him can only reduce themselves. But he will be there. The last promise he made to us was he'd always be with us spiritually. He will be there and as long as we don't forget him, he will always be in our hearts and on our minds."

Lucy wiped her tears and collected everything she had left to end her speech.

"Life isn't forever. Life starts and ends, that's how life and death play their game and Andreas has fallen to death. May he rest in peace.", she looked around the room to see most faces red and in tears, "Thank you all for being here.", she murmured at last, before leaving the podest.

She turned to a seat filled by a halfly smiling Floris.

They agreed on playing strangers for this, because Lucy wanted him to be there, but wanted to avoid questions, especially from mum, who she had been ignoring this whole time. Lucy hasn't even made eye-contact to her.

Floris understood, he just wanted her to be okay.

Lucy nodded at him, smiling sadly, but making it look like she was just thanking him.

I am undefinable greatful for you being here for me. You make this a lot less worse, I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you, was what she wanted to tell him with her gestures, but she didn't expect him to understand.

The smile growing on his face told her, he had understood at least a part of the message.

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