☞︎ Chapter Fifteen ☜︎

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TW: swears

"How the fuck did you know what phone I have?", Lucy asked. "A magician never reveals his tricks!", Tubbo smiled.

"Alright, I see. Well thank you, I love it!", Lucy smiled up at the boy. They were about the same height, Lucy was maybe an inch taller, but she was sitting on the floor, legs crossed, while everyone was standing up.

She was opening the gifts the six other people had gotten her, for her birthday.

Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo had gotten her one gift all together, a phone case with a fan art of her and the three teenagers. Ranboo had made an additional joke-gift. It was a book called "How To Be Cool". "A bully in highschool 'handed' it to me and I don't think I need it anymore, but I think it could be useful for you!", he laughed. It was a good joke, if Lucy was honest.

Niki and Wilbur also had gotten her a gift together, which was an adorable mug with A LOT of ducks on in. Lucy smiled at the cuteness of every single duck, while shaking her fists up and down. A 'happy-stim', as she called it. "All of these are so fucking adorable!", she cheered, still stimming, but quickly stopping. "Thank you", Lucy smiled towards Niki and Wilbur who both smiled back at her.

Fundy was the last one to give Lucy her present; and in his defence: he was really bad at making presents. He simply gifted the girl his youtooz plushie, with just a little note. He didn't expect her to like it, because he himself didn't like that he had no better idea of what he could gift her... Well, he did have a good idea, but it would have made him look like an utter bafoon. So he rather chose to maybe disappoint her, but at least play it of as a joke? It wasn't a good plan...

But it didn't need to. Lucy's eyes lit up. "Oh my gawd it's so cute, I wanna squeeze it to death", she beamed, forbidding herself to stim. She made all of them laugh.

After opening the presents they went on to watching movies. Everyone was sitting on the u-formed couch now, Lucy still sat cross legged with a blanket over her head, holding the sides in her hands, cocooning herself in the blanket.

"Name one movie you have never watched.", Tommy said.

"Just one or can I say multiple?", Lucy asked. "Shoot", Wilbur encouraged her.

"Nemo, Lion Ki-" "You have never watched Nemo?!", everybody interrupted Lucy, who held her hands up defensively.

"I bet you can't name one single children's classic movie that I watched.", she challenged then.

"There's no way", Tubbo stared at her in disbelief, Tommy started: "Rapunzel", Lucy shook her head. "Madagascar?", Tubbo suggested, Lucy just looked at him, "That's a country?", she looked at him confused. "Rio?" "That's a city!"

The rest of the group just looked at each other. Making Lucy question if she did something wrong or if she was annoying to them. "Alright, I am gonna run the classics down you just yell when you know one, alright?", Wilbur suggested and Lucy nodded.

"How to train your dragon, Snow White, Frozen, Cars, Luca, Encanto", Lucy just lightly shook her head for every one, "Star Wars, Spiderman, Avengers, Pirates of the Caribbean, uhhh, Percy Jackson?", Lucy still shook her head, while Wilbur tried to think of more, "Nah, I'm out of movies..."

"I have heard some names, but I never watched any of them.", Lucy finally said.

"What the hell? How did you pass 19 years without these?!", Tommy wondered. "I read a lot and watched documentaries?" "When you were like eight years old?" "Yes of course!", Lucy clarified. "Ha nerd", Fundy joked, getting a death glare from Lucy. "At least I'm not the one who dropped out of college", she chuckled, smirking lightly, but holding her death stare.

"Did you just diss half of the people here?", Wilbur looked at her, at loss of words. "Kinda i guess", Lucy began scolding herself, every one seemed to be awkward or weirded out by what she said.


After basically watching every children's movie they could think of and having playful banter, they slowly started talking about sleeping situation.

"How many beds are in here?", Lucy asked. "There should be one room for three and two rooms for two.", Wilbur thought out loud.

"I mean everyone could sleep here then we're exactly seven people, with seven beds, nobody needs to split up to sleep somewhere else and nobody would need to sleep on a mattress on the floor.", Niki proposed, gesturing towards Lucy slightly at the 'mattress on the floor'-part.

Everyone nodded. "Do we just get the stuff now or do we...", Lucy gestured towards herself, Wilbur and Niki, "Just sleep at Wilbur's another time and bring the stuff tomorrow when we meet up again here?"

"I'd say we get it now, I don't want you sleeping on the floor again.", Wilbur said chuckling.

"I liked the mattress.", Lucy said, "It was hard, which I like... It's like the first time in years I haven't woken up with back pain."

Fundy just looked at her, face blank. "You're a very weird person." "No shit Sherlock", Lucy laughed. "Thank you, Watson", Fundy laughed back.

Despite Wilbur saying he could get all the stuff alone, Niki and Lucy still went with him.

They quickly packed their suitcases and were ready to go in only 15 minutes.

Back at the airbnb, they decided Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo should room together in the three-bedroom, while both Wilbur and Fundy and Niki and Lucy went into either of the two-people-rooms, though Tommy joked about Wilbur and Niki and Lucy and Fundy getting into the rooms.

He stopped after Lucy lightly kicked his shin. He fell onto the floor like she just punched him with full force. She just laughed at Tommy rolling on the ground. "Ha! With that acting talent you could play soccer!"

With that they laughed it off and all went into their rooms to go to sleep.

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